Only the ptemcee
method is kept, all others are now deprecated.
- Corrected an error in the CMD_systs.dat file (468)
- Fixed path for CMD_systs.dat, now works in Windows (and Mac?)
- Control (some) plotting parameters through custom style and allow the selection of one of the supported styles (464)
- Dump the results of the fundamental parameters analysis to file (467)
- Closed several issues related to the deprecated bootstrap(+GA), brute force, and emcee methods (265, 280, 284, 324, 341, 347, 418, 442, 447)
- Split D plots (MCMC convergence diagnostics plots & values) (389)
- Explore Zeus as a possible addition to the best fit process (457)
- Add mode, median to King's profile plot (470)
- Make "trim frame" option per cluster (474)
- Closed due to old or not applicable (209, 293, 399)