We present a novel concept of volumetric music composition, realized in a VR music project Omega.
The volumetric music composition extends the definition of music XR to the level of music architectonic manipulation, while the known definition of music XR is characterized by conditions, in which musical elements are controlled through manipulations of their properties, such as pitch, timbre or dynamics.
Being inspired by Messier 17 nebula, also referred to as Swan and Omega, the project embraces the semantic duality associated with the nebula names, proposing two paths of compositional space exploration, where each path is characterized by its music, shape and color profiles.
The semantic duality of Messier 17 nebula names (Omega and Swan) reflects the very essence of human existence – the aspiration to the eternal beauty and the finality of existence.
The user interaction with the constructive elements of each of the paths affects not only the musical change but a colorization of a surrounding space as well. Thus, the user co-creates an audio and visual universe in a transcendent VR experience.