titanium module: android drawer layout
사용법은 example/app.js를 참조바람
##Native ActionBar Support (>=1.1.0)
ActionBar homeIcon click event is handled outside of module, because Activity should be sub-classed to override onOptionsItemSelected().
win.activity.actionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected = function() {
Require Titanium Mobile SDK >= 3.3.0
##Right Drawer Support (>=1.0.2)
Set 'rightView' and 'rightDrawerWidth' of drawer view.
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
rightView: filterView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
rightDrawerWidth: "120dp",
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL
Assign these properties at any time. Right drawer will be created when it is needed. This behavior has been applied to left drawer too.
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
drawer.rightView = filterView;
drawer.rightDrawerWidth = "120dp";
Event will be fired with 'drawer' parameter.
drawer.addEventListener('draweropen', function(e) {
if (e.drawer == "left") {
// left drawer is open
} else if (e.drawer == "right") {
// right drawer is open
##Trouble Shooting: android support library version (only for Ti < 3.3)
Check android support library v4 version in the titanium sdk installation, and replace android support v4 library jar file to the latest version.
for osx ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.2.0.GA/android
the current (2014/april/15) file size of android-support-v4.jar is 648kb
support library would be found in your android sdk path: {install path}/android/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar
PS: Titanium SDK >= 3.3 already use the new android-support-v4.jar
##Building module on Titanium Studio
- Clone repository
- Create .project folder
- Create .apt_generated
- Create build/.apt_generated
- Create .classpath file using .classpath.example as template and:
- replace {ANDROID_SDK_PATH} by your Android SDK folder
- replace {APPLICATION_SUPPORT_PATH_WHERE_TITANIUM_LIVES} by appropriated path (ex: /Users/dirlei/Library/Application Support)
- replace {TITANIUM_SDK_VERSION} by your desired Ti SDK version (ex: 3.3.0.RC)
- Create build.properties using build.properties.example as template and:
- replace {ANDROID_SDK_PATH} by your Android SDK folder
- replace {APPLICATION_SUPPORT_PATH_WHERE_TITANIUM_LIVES} by appropriated path (ex: /Users/dirlei/Library/Application Support)
- replace {TITANIUM_SDK_VERSION} by your desired Ti SDK version (ex: 3.3.0.RC)
- Import project on Titanium Studio (File/Import/Existing Projects into Workspace, select folder where you cloned repository, Finish)
- Build module (select module project, right click, Publish/Package)
<Window id="mainWindow" platform="android" navBarHidden="true">
<!-- add header bar here -->
<TableView id="menuTable">
<TableViewRow>Item 1</TableViewRow>
<TableViewRow>Item 2</TableViewRow>
<!-- main page content here -->
// Android only
// Load module
var TiDrawerLayout = require('com.tripvi.drawerlayout');
// define menu and main content view
var menuTable = Alloy.createController('menu').getView();
var contentView = Alloy.createController('main').getView();
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL
drawer.addEventListener('draweropen', function(e) {
// drawer is open
drawer.addEventListener('drawerclose', function(e) {
// drawer is closed
drawer.addEventListener('drawerslide', function(e) {
// drawer is sliding
// slide offset: e.offset