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Brik Refunds Service

A comprehensive service for processing, managing, and tracking refunds across diverse payment methods and workflows within the Brik platform.


The Refunds Service is a critical component of the Brik payment ecosystem, supporting flexible and reliable refund processing for merchants across different payment methods, approval workflows, and compliance requirements.

Key Features

  • End-to-end refund lifecycle management
  • Support for multiple refund methods (original payment, balance, other)
  • Configurable approval workflows
  • Card network rule enforcement
  • Multi-level parameter configuration
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics
  • Secure bank account management
  • Multi-channel notifications

System Architecture

The Refunds Service follows a microservices architecture with modular components:

  • Refund API Service: Exposes RESTful endpoints for client applications
  • Refund Request Manager: Orchestrates the refund lifecycle
  • Payment Method Handler: Provides method-specific refund processing logic
  • Approval Workflow Engine: Manages configurable approval flows
  • Compliance Engine: Enforces card network rules and merchant policies
  • Gateway Integration Service: Manages communication with payment gateways
  • Parameter Resolution Service: Resolves hierarchical configuration parameters
  • Bank Account Manager: Securely stores and verifies bank account information
  • Notification Service: Delivers multi-channel notifications
  • Reporting & Analytics Engine: Provides insights and metrics on refund activity

Technology Stack


  • Language: Python 3.11+
  • Database: MongoDB 6.0+
  • Caching: Redis 7.0+
  • Message Queue: AWS SQS
  • Authentication: JWT with OAuth 2.0/Auth0


  • Framework: React 18.2+ with TypeScript 5.0+
  • State Management: Redux 4.2+
  • UI Framework: TailwindCSS 3.3+
  • API Integration: React Query 4.0+


  • Cloud Provider: AWS
  • Containerization: Docker 24.0+
  • Orchestration: AWS ECS Fargate
  • IaC: Terraform 1.5+
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── backend/           # Backend service implementation
│   └── web/               # Frontend web application
├── infrastructure/        # Infrastructure configuration
├── .github/               # GitHub workflows and templates
└── docs/                  # Project documentation

Getting Started


  • Node.js 16+
  • Python 3.11+
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Terraform 1.5+

Local Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd refunds-service
  1. Set up the backend:
cd src/backend
cp .env.example .env
# Update .env with your local configuration
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pytest  # Run tests to verify setup
python -m src.backend.bin.www  # Start the backend server
  1. Set up the frontend:
cd src/web
cp .env.example .env
# Update .env with your local configuration
npm install
npm start  # Start the development server
  1. Access the applications:


The project includes comprehensive test suites for both backend and frontend:

Backend Tests

cd src/backend
python -m pytest  # Run all tests
python -m pytest tests/unit  # Run unit tests only
python -m pytest tests/integration  # Run integration tests only

Frontend Tests

cd src/web
npm test  # Run all tests
npm run test:coverage  # Run tests with coverage report


The project uses GitHub Actions workflows for CI/CD:

  • .github/workflows/build-and-test.yml - Runs on all PRs to verify code quality
  • .github/workflows/deploy-dev.yml - Deploys to development environment on main branch merges
  • .github/workflows/deploy-staging.yml - Deploys to staging after development tests pass
  • .github/workflows/deploy-prod.yml - Deploys to production after manual approval

For manual deployment, see the infrastructure documentation.



  1. Create a feature branch from main
  2. Implement changes with appropriate tests
  3. Ensure all tests pass and code quality checks succeed
  4. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of changes
  5. Obtain code review approval


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