This is the front-end for the React Todo application example. It is derived from, but wired up to the Auth0 SDK for authentication.
Copy the .env.example
file to .env
, and provide the following values:
REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN={your Auth0 domain}
REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID={ClientID for an Auth0 SPA app}
REACT_APP_AUTH0_AUDIENCE={use "citadel-app" or create an "API" in Auth0 and use the audience value}
yarn start
This sample requires a backend that implements the Todo API.
NOTE: You will need to change the following environment variables in any back-end app you select, matching up with the Auth0 values you provided here:
JWKS_URI=https://{your-auth0-domain} ISSUER=https://{your-auth0-domain} AUDIENCE={use "citadel-app" or create an "API" in Auth0 and use the audience value}
The following language-specific back-end sample apps are available, which demonstrate using Aserto for authorization: