Welcome to a simple combo handler written with Sinatra for use with Rack. It works just like the combo service from Yahoo, and is based on the Node.js version by rgrove.
Clone it where you want it! Then, install any files you'd like combined under
, like YUI 3 and
2in3, or whatever you want!
cd path/to/where/you/cloned
and then bundle install
and then
ruby medley.rb
and then you are up and running.
Medley uses Rack::Cache, with fairly
aggressive settings so things go pretty fast (hopefully you are into that kind
of thing). Check them out in config.ru
Assuming you installed YUI 3.3.0 and YUI 2in3 version 2.8.1 in public/yui
YUI( comboBase: 'http://my-medley.address/combo?', root : 'yui/3.3.0/build/', combine: true, groups: { yui2: { combine: true, base: 'http://my-medley.address/yui/2in3/2.8.1', comboBase: 'http://my-medley.address/combo?', root: 'yui/2in3/2.8.1/build/', patterns:{ 'yui2-': { configFn: function(me) { if(/-skin|reset|fonts|grids|base/.test(me.name)) { me.type = 'css'; me.path = me.path.replace(/\.js/, '.css'); me.path = me.path.replace(/\/yui2-skin/, '/assets/skins/sam/yui2-skin'); } } } } } } ).use('node', 'yui2-calendar', function(Y){ Y.log('_WHY?'); })