Query your data like a boss. With simplicity and control.
using (var db = new Database())
// .. query data
Call new Database without parameter, it will use System.Data.SqlClient provider.
Call with one parameter, it will open connection with connection string name as parameter.
And if you want to use connection string instead of name, you should call it with connection string and
ConnectionStringType as parameters
using (var db = new Database())
return db.Query("SELECT * FROM Product");
or ...
using (var db = new Database())
return db.Query<Product>("SELECT * FROM Product");
If you use Generic List, it will get all matching your class's properties or fields
It's all by convention
you have table structure and class like below
[Id] VARCHAR(30),
[Desc] VARCHAR(30)
[Id] VARCHAR(30),
[Name] VARCHAR(100),
CategoryId VARCHAR(30),
public class Category
public String Id { get; set; }
public String Desc { get; set; }
public class Product
public String Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public String CategoryId { get; set; }
public Decimal Price { get; set; }
so it will get Id, Name and CategoryId based on class properties.
You can do like this too.
public class ProductViewModel
public String Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public String CategoryJ { get; set; }
using (var db = new Database())
var query = new StringBuilder()
.Append("SELECT p.[Id], p.[Name], c.[Desc] CategoryJ ")
.Append("FROM Product p JOIN Category c ON c.[Id] = p.CategoryId ")
.Append("WHERE p.[Id] = @0")
return db.QuerySingle<ProductViewModel>(query, prodId);
If you see above. you will get the idea quickly
String newCompanyId = KeyBlaster.BuildSimpleKey(8, Keywielder.KeyBlaster.SimpleKeyType.ALPHANUMERIC);
db.Execute("INSERT INTO Company VALUES (@0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5)",
newCompanyId, txtName.Text, txtAddress.Text, txtCity.Text, txtPhoneNo.Text, txtCEOId.Text);
or ...
var query = new StringBuilder()
.Append("UPDATE Company ")
.Append("SET companyName = @0, companyAddress = @1, ")
.Append("city = @2, phone = @3, companyCEOId = @4 ")
.Append("WHERE companyId = @5")
db.Execute(query, txtName.Text, txtAddress.Text, txtCity.Text, txtPhoneNo.Text, txtCEOId.Text, txtCompanyId.Text);
If you have ViewModel or say an object that hold your data to save, you just could drop it in like this
var query = new StringBuilder()
.Append("UPDATE Company ")
.Append("SET companyName = @Name, companyAddress = @Address, ")
.Append("city = @City, phone = @PhoneNo, companyCEOId = @CEOId ")
.Append("WHERE companyId = @CompanyId")
Name = txtName.Text,
Address = txtAddress.Text,
City = txtCity.Text,
PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text,
CEOId = txtCEOId.Text,
CompanyId = txtCompanyId.Text