CompatHelper: bump compat for AlgebraOfGraphics to 0.9 for package docs, (keep existing compat) #1319
10 errors
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:212-233
```jldoctest psis; setup = :(using Random; Random.seed!(42))
julia> using Distributions
julia> proposal, target = Normal(), TDist(7);
julia> x = rand(proposal, 1_000, 1, 30); # (ndraws, nchains, nparams)
julia> log_ratios = @. logpdf(target, x) - logpdf(proposal, x);
julia> result = psis(log_ratios)
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
result = psis(log_ratios)
Evaluated output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:373
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:376
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
Expected output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:238-255
```jldoctest psis
julia> using MCMCDiagnosticTools
julia> reff = ess(log_ratios; kind=:basic, split_chains=1, relative=true);
julia> result = psis(log_ratios, reff)
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
result = psis(log_ratios, reff)
Evaluated output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:373
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:376
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
Expected output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:212-233
```jldoctest psis; setup = :(using Random; Random.seed!(42))
julia> using Distributions
julia> proposal, target = Normal(), TDist(7);
julia> x = rand(proposal, 1_000, 1, 30); # (ndraws, nchains, nparams)
julia> log_ratios = @. logpdf(target, x) - logpdf(proposal, x);
julia> result = psis(log_ratios)
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
result = psis(log_ratios)
Evaluated output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:373
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:376
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
Expected output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 7 (23.3%) 959
(0.5, 0.7] okay 13 (43.3%) 938
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:238-255
```jldoctest psis
julia> using MCMCDiagnosticTools
julia> reff = ess(log_ratios; kind=:basic, split_chains=1, relative=true);
julia> result = psis(log_ratios, reff)
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
result = psis(log_ratios, reff)
Evaluated output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:373
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:376
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
Expected output:
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
┌ Warning: 9 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values k > 1. Corresponding importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable and are unlikely to converge with additional samples.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
PSISResult with 1000 draws, 1 chains, and 30 parameters
Pareto shape (k) diagnostic values:
Count Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.5] good 9 (30.0%) 806
(0.5, 0.7] okay 11 (36.7%) 842
(0.7, 1] bad 9 (30.0%) ——
(1, Inf) very bad 1 (3.3%) ——
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PosteriorStats/cl4WO/src/model_weights.jl:38-57
```jldoctest model_weights; filter = [r"└.*"]
julia> using ArviZExampleData
julia> models = (
julia> elpd_results = map(models) do idata
log_like = PermutedDimsArray(idata.log_likelihood.obs, (2, 3, 1))
return loo(log_like)
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
julia> model_weights(elpd_results; method=Stacking()) |> pairs
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 5.34175e-19
:non_centered => 1.0
model_weights(elpd_results; method=Stacking()) |> pairs
Evaluated output:
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 3.50538e-31
:non_centered => 1.0
Expected output:
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 5.34175e-19
:non_centered => 1.0
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 5.34175e-19
:non_centered => 1.0
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PosteriorStats/cl4WO/src/model_weights.jl:61-66
```jldoctest model_weights; setup = :(using Random; Random.seed!(94))
julia> model_weights(elpd_results; method=BootstrappedPseudoBMA()) |> pairs
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 0.483723
:non_centered => 0.516277
model_weights(elpd_results; method=BootstrappedPseudoBMA()) |> pairs
Evaluated output:
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 0.492513
:non_centered => 0.507487
Expected output:
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 0.483723
:non_centered => 0.516277
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:centered => 0.483723
:non_centered => 0.5162770.507487
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PosteriorStats/cl4WO/src/compare.jl:35-60
```jldoctest compare; filter = [r"└.*"]
julia> using ArviZExampleData
julia> models = (
julia> function myloo(idata)
log_like = PermutedDimsArray(idata.log_likelihood.obs, (2, 3, 1))
return loo(log_like)
julia> mc = compare(models; elpd_method=myloo)
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
ModelComparisonResult with Stacking weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 0 0.0 1.0 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.0 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
julia> mc.weight |> pairs
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:non_centered => 1.0
:centered => 5.34175e-19
mc = compare(models; elpd_method=myloo)
Evaluated output:
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/fU76x/src/core.jl:373
ModelComparisonResult with Stacking weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.5 0 0.0 1.0 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.03 0.061 0.0 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
Expected output:
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
ModelComparisonResult with Stacking weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 0 0.0 1.0 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.0 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
ModelComparisonResult with Stacking weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 1.5 0 0.0 1.0 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.03 0.061 0.0 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PosteriorStats/cl4WO/src/compare.jl:35-60
```jldoctest compare; filter = [r"└.*"]
julia> using ArviZExampleData
julia> models = (
julia> function myloo(idata)
log_like = PermutedDimsArray(idata.log_likelihood.obs, (2, 3, 1))
return loo(log_like)
julia> mc = compare(models; elpd_method=myloo)
┌ Warning: 1 parameters had Pareto shape values 0.7 < k ≤ 1. Resulting importance sampling estimates are likely to be unstable.
└ @ PSIS ~/.julia/packages/PSIS/...
ModelComparisonResult with Stacking weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 0 0.0 1.0 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.0 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
julia> mc.weight |> pairs
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:non_centered => 1.0
:centered => 5.34175e-19
mc.weight |> pairs
Evaluated output:
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:non_centered => 1.0
:centered => 3.50538e-31
Expected output:
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:non_centered => 1.0
:centered => 5.34175e-19
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
pairs(::NamedTuple) with 2 entries:
:non_centered => 1.0
:centered => 5.34175e-193.50538e-31
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PosteriorStats/cl4WO/src/compare.jl:65-74
```jldoctest compare; setup = :(using Random; Random.seed!(23))
julia> elpd_results = mc.elpd_result;
julia> compare(elpd_results; weights_method=BootstrappedPseudoBMA())
ModelComparisonResult with BootstrappedPseudoBMA weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 0 0.0 0.52 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.48 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
compare(elpd_results; weights_method=BootstrappedPseudoBMA())
Evaluated output:
ModelComparisonResult with BootstrappedPseudoBMA weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.5 0 0.0 0.51 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.03 0.061 0.49 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
Expected output:
ModelComparisonResult with BootstrappedPseudoBMA weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 0 0.0 0.52 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.48 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
ModelComparisonResult with BootstrappedPseudoBMA weights
rank elpd elpd_mcse elpd_diff elpd_diff_mcse weight p ⋯
non_centered 1 -31 1.4 1.5 0 0.0 0.52 0.51 0.9 ⋯
centered 2 -31 1.4 0.06 0.067 0.48 0.03 0.061 0.49 0.9 ⋯
1 column omitted
doctest failure in ~/.julia/packages/PosteriorStats/cl4WO/src/summarize.jl:189-200
```jldoctest summarize; setup = (using Random; Random.seed!(84))
julia> using Statistics, StatsBase
julia> x = randn(1000, 4, 3) .+ reshape(0:10:20, 1, 1, :);
julia> summarize(x, mean, std, :mcse_mean => sem; name="Mean/Std")
mean std mcse_mean
1 0.0003 0.990 0.016
2 10.02 0.988 0.016
3 19.98 0.988 0.016
summarize(x, mean, std, :mcse_mean => sem; name="Mean/Std")
Evaluated output:
mean std mcse_mean
1 0.0003 0.989 0.016
2 10.02 0.988 0.016
3 19.98 0.988 0.016
Expected output:
mean std mcse_mean
1 0.0003 0.990 0.016
2 10.02 0.988 0.016
3 19.98 0.988 0.016
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
mean std mcse_mean
1 0.0003 0.990 0.989 0.016
2 10.02 0.988 0.016
3 19.98 0.988 0.016