Assumes you have folder of bam files. In my case, these are on Farm at:
and are all named as LineName_LaneInfo.bam, e.g.
To run on different folder or different naming convention scripts will need to be modified.
- First, run to merge bamfiles. This is because ANGSD treats each bamfile as an individual.
- Run to make ancestral pseudo-fasta from Tripsacum
- run angsdo to generate sfs, bedfile of thetas, and windowed TajD and other stats across region.
Angsdo is where you can modify things like min depth, uniqueness, base quality, but these are currently best guesses hardcoded into script.
TRIP* <- these are the ancestral fasta files used for the SFS. Needed even if you choose folded (why?)
data/*_list.txt <- lists of bamfiles to run on
BKN_pest.arg <- arguments given to angsd <- ML SFS BKN.arg <- arguments given to angsd BKN.bin BKN.idx <- generally not needed, for internal use BKN.pestPG <- theta values for each bp in genome BKN.thetas.gz <- theta values
BKN_pest.saf BKN_pest.saf.pos.gz <- not sure yet (priors for SFS etc.)