Version 1.1.0
Gradient and Falloff Manager panel is in the Paint tab.
Active Horcrux CDropdown to choose which Horcrux object to use, auto to main Horcrux once one is created in scene. If you append another, you can choos eit here.
Create Horcrux this is only available for the first time in a clean session, if you have one already you won't need it.
Name your Gradient Category first to coincide with the kind of gradient you are making.
Name your Falloff Category first to set with what kind of curves you are trying to keep, Cavity Mask or Brush Falloff
Add Categories this will add new materials to set a new categories - type the new name up top first, then press Add Categories to create.
Extract Palette - unlock your choice of gradient colorramp and press this to push a palette of color stops to a ColorRampPalette for fast matching of gradient to brush color.
Display Gradient Category Here you can choose from the materials on the Horcrux object to see the gradients on.
Display Falloff Category Here you can choose from the materials on the Horcrux object to see the RGB Curve nodes on.
Gradient Add/Remove press the plus sign icon to add a new gradient colorramp, or press the garbage can to delete the unlocked gradient colorramp
Falloff Add/Remove pree the plus sign icon to add a new falloff curve, or press the garbage can icon to delete the unlocked fallof curve
Copy Gradient to Brush this is that little paintbrush icon to the right of the Color Ramp Name. First unlock to make the color ramp active, and then press this to send the color ramp stops to the gradient of the active brush!
Copy Brush to Gradient this is the reverse - press the little pull odwn icon once active to copt the active gradient to the color ramp in the ui
Copy Curve to Brush Falloff this little brush icon will send the active rgb curve to the active brush falloff
Copy Falloff to Curve this pull down icon will copy the current Brush Falloff to the active rgb curve in the ui
Copy Curve to Cavity Mask this little monitor with arrow icon will send the active rgb curve to the Cavity Mask curve and turn on the cavity masking state
Gradient from Palette - small utility button in the Tools panel once the Palette is open - for less than 32 stops, this will make a new gradient from an open palette fro the brush
To not have to see the Falloff curves or not see the Colorramps, you can choose to display only one or the other in the Display options, calling Gradient category in both will block display off Falloff and vice versa.
Go have fun.