A curated collection of projects and code samples related to ESP microcontrollers, including ESP32 and ESP8266.
This repository currently contains two projects in which ESP32 is used:
- Drone Show
- ST3215 ESP Servo
Navigate to each project folder for specific setup instructions. Detailed README files are provided inside each project folder.
Installaltion of ESP32
Install the Arduino IDE software from the the Link
Preferably install Arduino IDE 1.8.19
Installing ESP32 Add-on in Arduino IDE
- In your Arduino IDE, go to File> Preferences (Shortcut : Ctrl + Comma)
- In the "Additional Board Manager URLs" field add: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json,
- Open the Boards Manager. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager
- Search for ESP32 and Press Install Button for the "ESP32 by Espressif Systems"
Select the Board as "DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1" and set other settings as shown in the figure