Ad-hoc copy/paste ball of mud for following redis streams. Multiple stream key's can be follwed by using glob patterns. New key's will be discovered periodically (search interval configurable).
not yet ready!
Usage of ./ptail-redis:
-consumer string
consumer name for redis xreadgroup command (default: consumer) (default "consumer")
-glob int
interval in seconds for re-running glob search (default is 0 - disabled; only initially found files will be monitored). Will be auto-set to 1 if globbing detected.
-group string
group name for redis xreadgroup command (default: group) (default "group")
-host string
redis host name (default: localhost) (default "localhost")
-key value
key (or glob pattern) to tail (can be used multiple times); (default: '*' - all keys
-log string
enable logging. "-" for stdout, filename otherwise
-port int
redis port (default: 6379) (default 6379)
wait for keys to appear, don't exit program if monitored (and actually existing) key count is 0 (default true)