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Add regression test from v1_1_0 to v1_2_0
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xavikh committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent d20df9b commit 8717db4
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Showing 3 changed files with 338 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/voting/SimpleGaugeVoterSetup.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -307,7 +307,6 @@ contract SimpleGaugeVoterSetup is PluginSetup {
operation: _grantOrRevoke,
condition: PermissionLib.NO_CONDITION

return permissions;

Expand Down
338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions test/v1_2_0/upgrade/UpgradeFrom_v1_1_0.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "test/constants.sol";
import {MockERC20} from "@solmate/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
import {MockPluginSetupProcessor} from "@mocks/osx/MockPSP.sol";
import {MockPluginSetupProcessorMulti} from "@mocks/osx/MockPSPMulti.sol";
import {MockPluginRepoRegistry} from "@mocks/osx/MockPluginRepoRegistry.sol";
import {MockDAOFactory} from "@mocks/osx/MockDAOFactory.sol";
import {PluginSetupProcessor} from "@aragon/osx/framework/plugin/setup/PluginSetupProcessor.sol";
import {PluginRepoFactory} from "@aragon/osx/framework/plugin/repo/PluginRepoFactory.sol";
import {PluginRepoRegistry} from "@aragon/osx/framework/plugin/repo/PluginRepoRegistry.sol";
import {PluginRepo} from "@aragon/osx/framework/plugin/repo/PluginRepo.sol";
import {DAO} from "@aragon/osx/core/dao/DAO.sol";
import {IDAO} from "@aragon/osx/core/dao/IDAO.sol";
import {Addresslist} from "@aragon/osx/plugins/utils/Addresslist.sol";
import {Multisig, MultisigSetup as MultisigPluginSetup} from "@aragon/osx/plugins/governance/multisig/MultisigSetup.sol";

import {SimpleGaugeVoterSetup, IGaugeVote, VotingEscrow, Clock, Lock, QuadraticIncreasingEscrow, ExitQueue, SimpleGaugeVoter, GaugesDaoFactory as GaugesDaoFactoryV1_1_0, Deployment, DeploymentParameters, TokenParameters, GaugePluginSet} from "test/v1_1_0/versions.sol";
import {SimpleGaugeVoter as SimpleGaugeVoterV1_2_0} from "test/v1_2_0/versions.sol";

import {Upgrades} from "@foundry-upgrades/LegacyUpgrades.sol";
import {Options} from "@foundry-upgrades/Options.sol";

contract RegressionV1_1_0__to__V1_2_0 is Test, IGaugeVote {
GaugesDaoFactoryV1_1_0 factory;

VotingEscrow escrow;
SimpleGaugeVoter voter;
Clock clock;
Lock lock;
ExitQueue queue;
QuadraticIncreasingEscrow curve;
DAO dao;
Multisig multisig;
MockERC20 token;

uint aliceToken;
uint bobToken;
uint carolToken;
uint davidToken;
uint aliceSecondToken;

address gauge = address(0x777);

uint256 bobVPSnapshot;
uint256 aliceVPSnapshot;

function setUp() public {

factory = _deployViaFactory();
Deployment memory deployment = factory.getDeployment();
GaugePluginSet memory pluginSet = deployment.gaugeVoterPluginSets[0];

// deconstruct the plugin set
escrow = VotingEscrow(pluginSet.votingEscrow);
voter = SimpleGaugeVoter(pluginSet.plugin);
clock = Clock(pluginSet.clock);
lock = Lock(pluginSet.nftLock);
queue = ExitQueue(pluginSet.exitQueue);
curve = QuadraticIncreasingEscrow(pluginSet.curve);
dao = DAO(deployment.dao);
multisig = Multisig(deployment.multisigPlugin);
token = MockERC20(escrow.token());

// setup gauge and unpause the voter
voter.createGauge(gauge, "metadata");

// mint some tokens, 10_000 ether);
token.approve(address(escrow), 10_000 ether);

aliceToken = escrow.createLockFor(1_000 ether, ALICE_ADDRESS);
bobToken = escrow.createLockFor(1_000 ether, BOB_ADDRESS);
carolToken = escrow.createLockFor(1_000 ether, CAROL_ADDRESS);
davidToken = escrow.createLockFor(1_000 ether, DAVID_ADDRESS);

// bob votes
vm.warp(2 weeks + 3601);

GaugeVote[] memory vote = new GaugeVote[](1);
vote[0] = GaugeVote(1, gauge);
bobVPSnapshot = escrow.votingPower(bobToken);, vote);

// carol begins unstaking
lock.approve(address(escrow), carolToken);

// wait a bit
vm.warp(4 weeks);

lock.approve(address(escrow), davidToken);

function testValidateUpgradeGaugeVoter__v1_1_0__v1_2_0() public {
Options memory options;

string[] memory exclude = new string[](1);
// disable initializers is invoked but the custom unsafe allow option is not set in the natspec
exclude[0] = "lib/osx/packages/contracts/src/core/plugin/PluginUUPSUpgradeable.sol";
options.exclude = exclude;

// SimpleGaugeVoter can't be upgraded due to slot incompatibilities. Should always be a new deployment
//options.referenceContract = "SimpleGaugeVoter_v1_1_0.sol";
//Upgrades.validateUpgrade("SimpleGaugeVoter_v1_2_0.sol:SimpleGaugeVoterV1_2_0", options);

options.referenceContract = "Clock.sol";
Upgrades.validateUpgrade("Clock_v1_2_0.sol:ClockV1_2_0", options);

options.referenceContract = "QuadraticIncreasingEscrow.sol";
Upgrades.validateUpgrade("QuadraticIncreasingEscrow_v1_2_0.sol:QuadraticIncreasingEscrowV1_2_0", options);

function testInitialState() public view {
// alice is locked and has voting power
assertEq(escrow.locked(aliceToken).amount, 1_000 ether);
assertGt(escrow.votingPower(aliceToken), 1_000 ether);

// bob is locked and is currently voting
assertEq(escrow.locked(bobToken).amount, 1_000 ether);
assertEq(voter.votes(bobToken, gauge), bobVPSnapshot);

// carol is locked and can exit
assertEq(escrow.locked(carolToken).amount, 1_000 ether);

// david is locked and cannot exit
assertEq(escrow.locked(davidToken).amount, 1_000 ether);
assertEq(queue.ticketHolder(davidToken), DAVID_ADDRESS);

function testUpgrade() public {
// simple upgrade for testing
// deploy the new implementations
// LockV1_2_0 lockV1_2_0 = new LockV1_2_0();
// Lock lockV1_2_0 = new Lock();
// SimpleGaugeVoterV1_2_0 voterV1_2_0 = new SimpleGaugeVoterV1_2_0();

// upgrade the contracts
// unsafe upgrade
// lock.upgradeTo(address(lockV1_2_0));
// voter.upgradeTo(address(voterV1_2_0));

// safe upgrade

// retest the initial state

// attempt to move through life cycle again
// create new token for alice
aliceSecondToken = escrow.createLockFor(1_000 ether, ALICE_ADDRESS);

// move alice to voting
vm.warp(6 weeks + 3601);
GaugeVote[] memory vote = new GaugeVote[](1);
vote[0] = GaugeVote(1, gauge);, vote);
aliceVPSnapshot = escrow.votingPower(aliceToken);

// move bob to exiting
lock.approve(address(escrow), bobToken);

// exit with carol

// validate the new state
// alice2 is locked and has voting power
assertEq(escrow.locked(aliceSecondToken).amount, 1_000 ether);
assertGt(escrow.votingPower(aliceSecondToken), 1_000 ether);

// alice1 is locked and is currently voting
assertEq(escrow.locked(aliceToken).amount, 1_000 ether);
assertEq(voter.votes(aliceToken, gauge), aliceVPSnapshot);

// bob is locked and is currently exiting
assertEq(escrow.locked(bobToken).amount, 1_000 ether);
assertEq(queue.ticketHolder(bobToken), BOB_ADDRESS);

// carol is not locked and has her tokens back
assertEq(escrow.locked(carolToken).amount, 0);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(CAROL_ADDRESS), 950 ether); // sans fee

// david is locked and can exit
assertEq(escrow.locked(davidToken).amount, 1_000 ether);

///-------------- Internal ------------------///

function _safeUpgradeVoter(address _voter) internal {
Options memory options;
options.referenceContract = "SimpleGaugeVoter.sol";
string[] memory exclude = new string[](1);
// disable initializers is invoked but the custom unsafe allow option is not set in the natspec
exclude[0] = "lib/osx/packages/contracts/src/core/plugin/PluginUUPSUpgradeable.sol";
options.exclude = exclude;


function _deployViaFactory() internal returns (GaugesDaoFactoryV1_1_0) {
address[] memory multisigMembers = new address[](13);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
multisigMembers[i] = address(uint160(i + 5));

PluginRepoFactory pRefoFactory = new PluginRepoFactory(
PluginRepoRegistry(address(new MockPluginRepoRegistry()))

// Publish repo
MultisigPluginSetup multisigPluginSetup = new MultisigPluginSetup();
PluginRepo multisigPluginRepo = PluginRepoFactory(pRefoFactory)
" ",
" "

SimpleGaugeVoterSetup gaugeVoterPluginSetup = new SimpleGaugeVoterSetup(
address(new SimpleGaugeVoter()),
address(new QuadraticIncreasingEscrow()),
address(new ExitQueue()),
address(new VotingEscrow()),
address(new Clock()),
address(new Lock())

TokenParameters[] memory tokenParameters = new TokenParameters[](2);
tokenParameters[0] = TokenParameters({
token: address(new MockERC20("T1", "T1", 18)),
veTokenName: "Name 1",
veTokenSymbol: "TK1"
tokenParameters[1] = TokenParameters({
token: address(new MockERC20("T2", "T2", 18)),
veTokenName: "Name 2",
veTokenSymbol: "TK2"

// PSP with voter plugin setup and multisig
MockPluginSetupProcessorMulti psp;
address[] memory pluginSetups = new address[](3);
pluginSetups[0] = address(gaugeVoterPluginSetup); // Token 1
pluginSetups[1] = address(gaugeVoterPluginSetup); // Token 2
pluginSetups[2] = address(multisigPluginSetup);

psp = new MockPluginSetupProcessorMulti(pluginSetups);
MockDAOFactory daoFactory = new MockDAOFactory(MockPluginSetupProcessor(address(psp)));

DeploymentParameters memory creationParams = DeploymentParameters({
// Multisig settings
minApprovals: 2,
multisigMembers: multisigMembers,
// Gauge Voter
tokenParameters: tokenParameters,
feePercent: 500, // 500 / 10_000 = 5%
warmupPeriod: 1234,
cooldownPeriod: 2345,
minLockDuration: 3456,
minDeposit: 1,
votingPaused: false,
// Standard multisig repo
multisigPluginRepo: multisigPluginRepo,
multisigPluginRelease: 1,
multisigPluginBuild: 2,
// Voter plugin setup and ENS
voterPluginSetup: gaugeVoterPluginSetup,
voterEnsSubdomain: "gauge-ens-subdomain",
// OSx addresses
osxDaoFactory: address(daoFactory),
pluginSetupProcessor: PluginSetupProcessor(address(psp)),
pluginRepoFactory: pRefoFactory

GaugesDaoFactoryV1_1_0 _factory = new GaugesDaoFactoryV1_1_0(creationParams);


vm.roll(block.number + 1); // mint one block
return _factory;

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