Command-Line chat application built with Pusher Chatkit!
I used .env file to store my environment varibales in it.
To run this application, you will need a Chatkit instance.
To create a new instance, navigate to the Pusher Chatkit Dashboard, login or sign up if you are a new user. Once logged in, on dasboard click CREATE
, enter some name for your new instance. After the new instance is created, you will see your Instance Locator and Secret Key, located under the CREDENTIALS
section. You will need these credentials later to run you application.
To run this application you need to first start SERVER and then run CLIENT. You can run as many clients as you want. But before starting your application, install all the dependencies listed in package.json file. To install dependencies run following command:
> npm install
After you are done installing all the dependencies, run following command to start server:
> node server.js
Note : Create a user/room via the inspector in the Pusher Chatkit Dashboard.
Now open another command line window and use following commands to run client:
> node client.js
You can can create as many clients as you want.