It's not an official documentation
npm install -g caprover
caprover serversetup
? have you already started CapRover container on your server? Yes
? IP address of your server:
? current CapRover password: [hidden]
? CapRover server root domain:
caprover login
Login to a CapRover machine...
? CapRover machine URL address, it is "[http[s]://][captain.]your-captain-root.domain": http://captain.captain.localhost
? CapRover machine password: [hidden]
? CapRover machine name, with whom the login credentials are stored locally: captain-01
Create an app:
caprover api -n captain-01 -m POST -t /user/apps/appDefinitions/register -d {\"appName\":\"aaa\"}
When use the api, don't forgot to remove /api/v2 from path
caprover deploy
Preparing deployment to CapRover...
**** Protip ****
You seem to have deployed aaa from this directory in the past, use --default flag to avoid having to re-enter the information.
? select the CapRover machine name you want to deploy to: captain-01
Ensuring authentication...
? select the app name you want to deploy to: aaa
? git branch name to be deployed: main
? note that uncommitted and gitignored files (if any) will not be pushed to server! Are you sure you want to deploy? Yes
Expected response:
Deploying aaa to captain-01...
Uploading [====================] 100% (ETA 0.0s)
Upload done.
This might take several minutes. PLEASE BE PATIENT...
Building your source code...
------------------------- Mon Mar 27 2023 20:39:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Build started for aaa
Ignore warnings for unconsumed build-args if there is any
Step 1/2 : FROM library/php:7.2-apache
---> c61d277263e1
Step 2/2 : COPY ./ /var/www/html/
---> Using cache
---> 99f36d84f7ca
[Warning] One or more build-args [CAPROVER_GIT_COMMIT_SHA] were not consumed
Successfully built 99f36d84f7ca
Successfully tagged img-captain-aaa:latest
Build has finished successfully!
Deployed successfully aaa
App is available at http://aaa.captain.localhost
Some useful links: