Homepage: http://codeward.org/software/kenotaph-daemon/
kenotaph-daemon is a tool for detecting a presence of network devices through means of a packet capture. Both Wired and Wireless networks are supported, assuming appropriate hardware is available. Targeted device is identified by a user defined Berkeley Packet Filter, either by its IP address or Hardware address, however the use of BPF allows for higher complexity. A packet capture is done in promiscuous mode, and/or in monitor mode.
kenotaph-daemon is designed to be a 'daemon' program that runs in the background. To communicate with other processes, a TCP/IP socket is opened on a defined port bound to a hostname. When a targeted device becomes present on a network, or becomes absent, a notification message is sent to all consumers connected to the socket.
A notification message is an ASCII formatted string that consists of three fields separated by a white-space character (' ', hex \x20). The first field contains a name of the event, the second contains an ID, which corresponds to a name of a device section found in a configuration file, and the third contains a name of a network interface. Whole message is terminated with a newline character ('\n', hex \x0A).
Event names are abbreviations of their meaning and are sent thus:
Event BEG designates a beginning and is sent after the first packet matching a device's match pattern is captured.
Event END is sent after a device has not been seen, meaning no packets matching a device's match pattern were captured, for a time period exceeding a defined timeout.
Event ERR is sent for each device section, upon a network interface error, for which the event BEG was recently sent. After that all subsequent triggers of the event END are cancelled, unless the event BEG is triggered again.
kenotaph-daemon is free software licensed under GPLv3.