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GitHub CI

GitHub CI #1579

GitHub Actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10 failed Jan 20, 2025 in 0s

89 tests run, 76 passed, 5 skipped, 8 failed.


Check failure on line 148 in tests/jms/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_project_copy(client):
        jms_api = JmsApi(client)
        proj_name = f"test_jms_ProjectCopyTest"
        proj = Project(name=proj_name, active=True, priority=10)
        proj = jms_api.create_project(proj, replace=True)
        project_api = ProjectApi(client,
>       proj1_id = project_api.copy_project()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ in copy_project
    r = copy_projects(self, [self.project_id], wait)
.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ in copy_projects
    return _copy_objects(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>
api_url = 'https://localhost:8443/hps/jms/api/v1'
objects = [Project(id='02yrcS7LiTxgOMRxy4OoaJ',name=<marshmallow.missing>,active=<marshmallow.missing>,priority=<marshmallow.missing>,creation_time=<marshmallow.missing>,modification_time=<marshmallow.missing>,statistics=<marshmallow.missing>)]
wait = True

    def _copy_objects(
        client: Client, api_url: str, objects: List[Object], wait: bool = True
    ) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
        """Copy objects."""
        operation_id = base_copy_objects(client.session, api_url, objects)
        if not wait:
            return operation_id
        op = _monitor_operation(JmsApi(client), operation_id, 1.0)
        if not op.succeeded:
            obj_type = objects[0].__class__
            rest_name = obj_type.Meta.rest_name
            raise HPSError(f"Failed to copy {rest_name} with ids = {[ for obj in objects]}.")
>       return op.result["destination_ids"]
E       TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ TypeError

Check failure on line 256 in tests/jms/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Failed to archive project 02yrcUdtXvikapvpjR9R1F.
  "id": "02yrcVGJusrMxOLPWZ1eWI",
  "name": "PUT ProjectArchive for 02yrcUdtXvikapvpjR9R1F",
  "target": [
  "finished": true,
  "succeeded": false,
  "progress": 1.0,
  "result": {
    "backend_path": null
  "messages": [
      "level": "ERROR",
      "what": "Exception: Timeout waiting for operations to complete",
      "timestamp": "2025-01-20T15:45:52.294161+00:00"
  "start_time": "2025-01-20T15:45:41.072746+00:00",
  "end_time": "2025-01-20T15:45:52.299321+00:00"
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_project_archive_restore(client):
        num_jobs = 2
        jms_api = JmsApi(client)
        proj_name = f"test_jms_project_archive_restore"
        # Setup project to work with
        project = motorbike_create_project(client=client, name=proj_name, num_jobs=num_jobs) = False
        project.priority = 6
        project = jms_api.update_project(project)
        restored_project = None
        project_api = ProjectApi(client,
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tpath:
            # Archive project
>           archive_path = project_api.archive_project(tpath, include_job_files=True)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ in archive_project
    return archive_project(self, path, include_job_files)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

project_api = <ansys.hps.client.jms.api.project_api.ProjectApi object at 0x7f9a77b05480>
target_path = '/tmp/tmpd0uo_svm', include_job_files = True

    def archive_project(project_api: ProjectApi, target_path, include_job_files=True) -> str:
        """Archive projects."""
        # PUT archive request
        url = f"{project_api.url}/archive"
        query_params = {}
        if not include_job_files:
            query_params["download_files"] = "configuration"
        r = project_api.client.session.put(url, params=query_params)
        # Monitor archive operation
        operation_location = r.headers["location"]
        log.debug(f"Operation location: {operation_location}")
        operation_id = operation_location.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
        jms_api = JmsApi(project_api.client)
        op = jms_api.monitor_operation(operation_id)
        if not op.succeeded:
>           raise HPSError(f"Failed to archive project {project_api.project_id}.\n{op}")
E           ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Failed to archive project 02yrcUdtXvikapvpjR9R1F.
E           {
E             "id": "02yrcVGJusrMxOLPWZ1eWI",
E             "name": "PUT ProjectArchive for 02yrcUdtXvikapvpjR9R1F",
E             "target": [
E               "02yrcUdtXvikapvpjR9R1F"
E             ],
E             "finished": true,
E             "succeeded": false,
E             "progress": 1.0,
E             "result": {
E               "backend_path": null
E             },
E             "messages": [
E               {
E                 "level": "ERROR",
E                 "what": "Exception: Timeout waiting for operations to complete",
E                 "timestamp": "2025-01-20T15:45:52.294161+00:00"
E               }
E             ],
E             "start_time": "2025-01-20T15:45:41.072746+00:00",
E             "end_time": "2025-01-20T15:45:52.299321+00:00"
E           }

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ HPSError

Check failure on line 287 in tests/jms/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_copy_exec_script(client):
        jms_api = JmsApi(client)
        proj_name = f"test_copy_exec_script"
        proj = Project(name=proj_name)
        proj = jms_api.create_project(proj)
        project_api = ProjectApi(client,
        ansys_short_version = f"v{ansys_version[2:4]}{ansys_version[6]}"
        script_name = f"mapdl-{ansys_short_version}-exec_mapdl"
>       file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script(f"{script_name}.py")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ansys.hps.client.jms.api.project_api.ProjectApi object at 0x7f9a7780c0d0>
filename = ''

    def copy_default_execution_script(self, filename: str) -> File:
        """Copy a default execution script to the current project.
            >>> file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script("")
        # create file resource
        name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        file = File(name=name, evaluation_path=filename, type="application/x-python-code")
        file = self.create_files([file])[0]
        # query location of default execution scripts from server
        jms_api = JmsApi(self.client)
        info = jms_api.get_api_info()
        execution_script_default_bucket = info["settings"]["execution_script_default_bucket"]
        # server side copy of the file to project bucket
        src = StoragePath(path=f"{execution_script_default_bucket}/{filename}")
        dst = StoragePath(path=f"{self.project_id}/{file.storage_id}")"Copying default execution script {filename}")
        op = self.client.dt_api.copy([SrcDst(src=src, dst=dst)])
        op = self.client.dt_api.wait_for([0]
        log.debug(f"Operation {op.state}")
        if op.state != OperationState.Succeeded:
>           raise HPSError(f"Copying of default execution script {filename} failed")
E           ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ HPSError

Check failure on line 94 in tests/jms/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


assert 0 == 1
 +  where 0 = len([])
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_job_with_commands(client):
        jms_api = JmsApi(client)
        proj_name = f"test_job_with_commands"
        proj = Project(name=proj_name)
        proj = jms_api.create_project(proj)
        project_api = ProjectApi(client,"Created project '{}', ID='{}'")
        exec_script = File(
        exec_script = project_api.create_files([exec_script])[0]
        task_def = TaskDefinition(
                Software(name="Ansys Python", version="2024 R2 Python 3.10"),
        task_def = project_api.create_task_definitions([task_def])[0]
        command_definitions = project_api.get_task_command_definitions(
>       assert len(command_definitions) == 1
E       assert 0 == 1
E        +  where 0 = len([])

tests/jms/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 189 in tests/jms/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Failed to copy task_definition_templates with ids = ['02yrc2LdEI81cBas1KX4Lc'].
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_template_integration(client):
        jms_api = JmsApi(client)
        # Test get queries
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates()
        assert len(templates) > 0
        assert templates[0].id is not None
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates(as_objects=False)
        assert len(templates) > 0
        assert templates[0]["id"] is not None
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates(
            as_objects=False, fields=["name", "software_requirements"]
        assert len(templates) > 0"templates={json.dumps(templates, indent=4)}")
        if templates:
            assert "software_requirements" in templates[0].keys()
            assert "name" in templates[0]["software_requirements"][0].keys()
            assert "version" in templates[0]["software_requirements"][0].keys()
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates(fields=["name"])
        if templates:
            assert templates[0].software_requirements == missing
        # Create new template based on existing one
        template_name = f"new_template_{uuid.uuid4()}"
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates(limit=1)
        assert len(templates) == 1
        template = TaskDefinitionTemplate(
            name=template_name, software_requirements=templates[0].software_requirements
        template.version = "1.0"
        templates = jms_api.create_task_definition_templates([template])
        assert len(templates) == 1
        template = templates[0]
        assert == template_name
        # Modify template
        template.software_requirements[0].version = "2.0.1"
        template.resource_requirements = TemplateResourceRequirements(
        templates = jms_api.update_task_definition_templates([template])
        assert len(templates) == 1
        template = templates[0]
        assert template.software_requirements[0].version == "2.0.1"
        assert == template_name
        assert template.resource_requirements.hpc_resources.num_gpus_per_node == 2
        # Delete template
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates(name=template_name)
        assert len(templates) == 0
        # Copy template
        templates = jms_api.get_task_definition_templates(limit=1)
        assert len(templates) == 1
        original_template = templates[0]
>       new_template_id = jms_api.copy_task_definition_templates(templates)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ in copy_task_definition_templates
    return _copy_objects(self.client, self.url, templates, wait=wait)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>
api_url = 'https://localhost:8443/hps/jms/api/v1'
objects = [TaskDefinitionTemplate(id='02yrc2LdEI81cBas1KX4Lc',modification_time=datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 20, 15, 26, 40, 866140, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0), '+0000')),creation_time=datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 20, 15, 26, 40, 866140, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0), '+0000')),name='Ansys Fluent 2024 R1',version='0.1',description=<marshmallow.missing>,software_requirements=[Software(name='Ansys Fluent',version='2024 R1')],resource_requirements=TemplateResourceRequirements(platform=<marshmallow.missing>,memory=<marshmallow.missing>,num_cores=TemplateProperty(default=4,description='',type=<marshmallow.missing>,value_list=[]),disk_space=<marshmallow.missing>,distributed=TemplateProperty(default=True,description='',type=<marshmallow.missing>,value_list=[]),compute_resource_set_id=<marshmallow.missing>,evaluator_id=<marshmallow.missing>,custom=<marshmallow.missing>,hpc_resources=<marshmallow.missing>),worker_context=None,execution_context={'additional_args': TemplateProperty(default=None,description='Additional arguments',type='string',value_list=[]), 'capability_level': TemplateProperty(default='enterprise',description='Capability level',type='string',value_list=['enterprise', 'premium']), 'dimension': TemplateProperty(default='3d',description='Dimension',type='string',value_list=['3d', '2d']), 'double_precision': TemplateProperty(default=True,description='Double precision',type='bool',value_list=[]), 'mode': TemplateProperty(default='solution',description='Fluent mode',type='string',value_list=['solution', 'meshing']), 'mpi_type': TemplateProperty(default='intel',description='MPI type',type='string',value_list=['intel', 'openmpi', 'msmpi'])},environment={'SCHEDULER_TIGHT_COUPLING': TemplateProperty(default='1',description='',type=<marshmallow.missing>,value_list=[])},execution_command=None,use_execution_script=True,execution_script_storage_id='',execution_script_storage_bucket='default_execution_scripts',input_files=[TemplateOutputFile(name='case',type='application/octet-stream',evaluation_path='',description='Mesh or case file',required=True,monitor=<marshmallow.missing>,collect=<marshmallow.missing>), TemplateOutputFile(name='jou',type='text/plain',evaluation_path='',description='Journal file',required=True,monitor=<marshmallow.missing>,collect=<marshmallow.missing>), TemplateOutputFile(name='initial_data',type='application/octet-stream',evaluation_path='',description='Initial data file',required=False,monitor=<marshmallow.missing>,collect=<marshmallow.missing>)],output_files=[TemplateOutputFile(name='data',type='application/octet-stream',evaluation_path='*.dat.*',description='Final data file',required=<marshmallow.missing>,monitor=False,collect=True), TemplateOutputFile(name='transcript',type='text/plain',evaluation_path='fluent*.trn',description='Transcript file',required=<marshmallow.missing>,monitor=True,collect=True)])]
wait = True

    def _copy_objects(
        client: Client, api_url: str, objects: List[Object], wait: bool = True
    ) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
        """Copy objects."""
        operation_id = base_copy_objects(client.session, api_url, objects)
        if not wait:
            return operation_id
        op = _monitor_operation(JmsApi(client), operation_id, 1.0)
        if not op.succeeded:
            obj_type = objects[0].__class__
            rest_name = obj_type.Meta.rest_name
>           raise HPSError(f"Failed to copy {rest_name} with ids = {[ for obj in objects]}.")
E           ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Failed to copy task_definition_templates with ids = ['02yrc2LdEI81cBas1KX4Lc'].

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ HPSError

Check failure on line 193 in tests/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_fluent_2d_heat_exchanger_with_exec_script(client):
        from examples.fluent_2d_heat_exchanger.project_setup import create_project
>       project = create_project(
            client, name="Fluent test (exec script)", version=ansys_version, use_exec_script=True

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
examples/fluent_2d_heat_exchanger/ in create_project
    exec_script_file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ansys.hps.client.jms.api.project_api.ProjectApi object at 0x7f9a77bcf820>
filename = ''

    def copy_default_execution_script(self, filename: str) -> File:
        """Copy a default execution script to the current project.
            >>> file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script("")
        # create file resource
        name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        file = File(name=name, evaluation_path=filename, type="application/x-python-code")
        file = self.create_files([file])[0]
        # query location of default execution scripts from server
        jms_api = JmsApi(self.client)
        info = jms_api.get_api_info()
        execution_script_default_bucket = info["settings"]["execution_script_default_bucket"]
        # server side copy of the file to project bucket
        src = StoragePath(path=f"{execution_script_default_bucket}/{filename}")
        dst = StoragePath(path=f"{self.project_id}/{file.storage_id}")"Copying default execution script {filename}")
        op = self.client.dt_api.copy([SrcDst(src=src, dst=dst)])
        op = self.client.dt_api.wait_for([0]
        log.debug(f"Operation {op.state}")
        if op.state != OperationState.Succeeded:
>           raise HPSError(f"Copying of default execution script {filename} failed")
E           ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ HPSError

Check failure on line 211 in tests/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_fluent_nozzle(client):
        from examples.fluent_nozzle.project_setup import create_project
>       project = create_project(client, name="Fluent nozzle test", num_jobs=1, version=ansys_version)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
examples/fluent_nozzle/ in create_project
    exec_script_file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ansys.hps.client.jms.api.project_api.ProjectApi object at 0x7f9a77ca53c0>
filename = ''

    def copy_default_execution_script(self, filename: str) -> File:
        """Copy a default execution script to the current project.
            >>> file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script("")
        # create file resource
        name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        file = File(name=name, evaluation_path=filename, type="application/x-python-code")
        file = self.create_files([file])[0]
        # query location of default execution scripts from server
        jms_api = JmsApi(self.client)
        info = jms_api.get_api_info()
        execution_script_default_bucket = info["settings"]["execution_script_default_bucket"]
        # server side copy of the file to project bucket
        src = StoragePath(path=f"{execution_script_default_bucket}/{filename}")
        dst = StoragePath(path=f"{self.project_id}/{file.storage_id}")"Copying default execution script {filename}")
        op = self.client.dt_api.copy([SrcDst(src=src, dst=dst)])
        op = self.client.dt_api.wait_for([0]
        log.debug(f"Operation {op.state}")
        if op.state != OperationState.Succeeded:
>           raise HPSError(f"Copying of default execution script {filename} failed")
E           ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ HPSError

Check failure on line 246 in tests/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Report ubuntu-latest:3.10


ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed
Raw output
client = <ansys.hps.client.client.Client object at 0x7f9a77ca4fd0>

    def test_lsdyna_cylinder_plate_with_exec_script(client):
        from examples.lsdyna_cylinder_plate.lsdyna_job import submit_job
>       app_job = submit_job(client, name="LS-DYNA Cylinder Plate", version=ansys_version)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
examples/lsdyna_cylinder_plate/ in submit_job
    exec_script_file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ansys.hps.client.jms.api.project_api.ProjectApi object at 0x7f9a77a75330>
filename = ''

    def copy_default_execution_script(self, filename: str) -> File:
        """Copy a default execution script to the current project.
            >>> file = project_api.copy_default_execution_script("")
        # create file resource
        name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        file = File(name=name, evaluation_path=filename, type="application/x-python-code")
        file = self.create_files([file])[0]
        # query location of default execution scripts from server
        jms_api = JmsApi(self.client)
        info = jms_api.get_api_info()
        execution_script_default_bucket = info["settings"]["execution_script_default_bucket"]
        # server side copy of the file to project bucket
        src = StoragePath(path=f"{execution_script_default_bucket}/{filename}")
        dst = StoragePath(path=f"{self.project_id}/{file.storage_id}")"Copying default execution script {filename}")
        op = self.client.dt_api.copy([SrcDst(src=src, dst=dst)])
        op = self.client.dt_api.wait_for([0]
        log.debug(f"Operation {op.state}")
        if op.state != OperationState.Succeeded:
>           raise HPSError(f"Copying of default execution script {filename} failed")
E           ansys.hps.client.exceptions.HPSError: Copying of default execution script failed

.tox/py310-coverage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/hps/client/jms/api/ HPSError