This is a pet-project IoT LoRa Labkit for SibSAU. Based on LwIP 6LoWPAN + LoRa PHY. Base station should be connected through PPPoS to a PC.
Main goals of this project:
- Learn basics of Makefiles. Create usable project structure with MakeFiles.
- Take a closer look at LwIP network stack. Try to create some network interface drivers.
- Create a adaptation layer LoRa <==> IEEE 802.15.4.
- Get some fun to working with this :)
Here is a to-do list:
- FreeRTOS based minimal project with make script and CMSIS.
- USART driver
- Porting LwIP
- Create pppos netif
- LoRa driver
- LoRa <==> IEEE 802.15.4 layer
- Ping from one wireless node to another
- CoAP