A lightweight CRM application designed for efficient customer and company management, featuring streamlined data entry, easy navigation, and customizable forms. This project is built using PHP, Laravel, and Bootstrap to deliver a responsive and user-friendly interface.
Company Management
- CRUD for company profiles.
- Store details such as company name, address, email, and contact numbers.
- Upload company logos with image storage handling.
Customer Management
- CRUD for customer information.
- Include customer-specific details like name, email, phone, and company association.
File Storage
- for the image uploads of the company and employee.
- PHP >= 8.0
- Laravel >= 9.x
- Composer
- MySQL or other compatible database
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/anshika282/mini-crm.git cd mini-crm
- Install dependencies
composer install npm install && npm run dev
- Set up environment variables
edit the env variables for the database connections.
- Run migrations:
php artisan migrate
- For the database seeding:
php artisan db:seed
- Storage Link
php artisan storage:link //if problem occurs : change the R/W mode of the storage.
- Server Start
php artisan serve
Note : start url is /regiter or /login