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Blazor container demo

This application is an example Blazor client app that has been containerized so it can be deployed into a Azure Container App.


This project was created initially by using the sample Blazor todo list app from the Microsoft learn site: Build a Blazor todo list app. I choose to use the Blazor WebAssembly so the code would be downloaded to the client. The only changed I made was to have it call a Web Api Container App that I created for another demo. You can find that here: Web Api Container Demo . There is also a Dockerfile as part of this project that is used to containerize the app and push it up to Azure Container Registry(ACR). Once the image is in ACR, it then creates/updates the Azure Container App for the Blazor demo web app. All of this is done in the deploy-package.yml GitHub actions workflow. See workflow section below for more specifics on the workflow.


Workflow Name Badge
Azure Container App Deployment Trigger container apps deployment
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Deployment Trigger aks app deployment

How to use

This is meant to be a repo that you can clone and use as you like. The only thing you will need to change is the variables in the deploy-package.yml workflow. They will be in the env section of the workflow. There will need to change to match the resource names you would like to use in your Azure Subscription.


  • Azure Subscription
  • This repo cloned in your own GitHub repo
  • Dapr CLI installed
  • Docker Desktop
  • Service principle with contributor access to the subscription created as a GitHub Secret
    • This is only so you can create your resource group at the subscription level, if you don't want to give your service principle that kind of access you will need to have another way to create the resource group and then you can remove that step from the workflow
    • The credentials for this service principle need to be stored according to this document: Service Principal Secret
    • I have used the name AZURE_CREDENTIALS for the secret

Run Locally

Run the following command to run locally

=>  dotnet run

With Dapr

Run the following command to run locally with Dapr. Here is the basic command with the options defined, also see Dapr docs:

dapr run --app-id APP_ID --app-port APP_PORT --dapr-http-port DAPR_HTTP_PORT dotnet run

Option Name Description
app-id Unique name of the app
app-port Port that the app is listening on
dapr-http-port Port that Dapr is listening on
app-protocol Protocol you want Dapr to use to communicate with application

Here is the actual command I run to run locally:

=>  dapr run --app-id blazor-app --app-port 7139 --dapr-http-port 3501 --app-protocol https dotnet run

GitHub Workflows

There are a few workflows used by this project to demonstrate the different ways and resources you can deploy to. Currently there are examples for an Azure Container App and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


The workflow will deploy everything it needs to a given resource group and into an Azure Container App. It has 3 separate stages: build-infra, build, deploy

  1. build-infra
    • Creates all the required infrastructure you need for Azure Container Apps using the az cli. These actions are idempotent so they can be run multiple times.
  2. build
    • Builds the container and tags the image
  3. deploy
    • Uses the container image that was built and pushed to ACR and creates/updates that container app with that newly built image


The workflow is assuming that you have everything in place from an infrastructure perspective (AKS Cluster, namespace, container registry, and log analytics workspace). You can find an example of how to deploy that infrastructure in this GitHub repo. I use that one with this one AKS Cluster Deploy Example using Bicep.

This workflow has 2 separate stages: buildImage, deploy:

  1. buildImage
    • We use the az aks command invoke command to get the endpoint for the api so we can set it in the appsettings.json file. This way it can be dynamic when we deploy.
    • Builds the container and tags the image
  2. deploy
    • We use a sed script to replace variables in the AKS deployment file so it can be dynamic to use the container image we just built.
    • Then we use the deployment file to setup the deployment in AKS


blasor app that will run in a container







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