A tool to calculate heatwaves from gridded daily datasets.
The default definition of a heatwave is any hot event of at least three days duration where the Excess Heat Factor index is greater than 0. One could alternatively use the tx90pc index (Tmax greater than the 90th percentile) or tn90pc (Tmin greater than the 90th percentile.)
Seaonal heatwave aspect statistics are saved to a 'yearly' output netCDF file, or more granular daily indicators can be saved to a 'daily' file.
The original intention of this program was to provide daily EHF values and heatwave indicators for any season rather than just annual or seasonal heatwave aspects. The script has since been expanded and improved to handle CMIP5 quirks (such different calendars), and use alternative heatwave indices.
Optionaly set up a virtualenv:
virtualenv heatwave_env
source heatwave_env/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/tammasloughran/ehfheatwaves
cd ehfheatwaves
pip install .
Usage: ehfheatwaves -x <FILE> -n <FILE> [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x FILE, --tmax=FILE file containing tmax
--vnamex=STR tmax variable name
-n FILE, --tmin=FILE file containing tmin
--vnamen=STR tmin variable name
--bpfx=FILE Indicates a future simulation, specifying a tmax file
containing the historical base period to be used
--bpfn=FILE Indicates a future simulation, specifying a tmin file
containing the historical base period to be used
-m FILE, --mask=FILE file containing land-sea mask
--vnamem=STR mask variable name
--vnamet=STR time variable name
-s STR, --season=STR Season for annual metrics. Defaults to summer
-p INT the percentile to use for thresholds. Defaults to 90
--base=YYYY-YYYY base period to calculate thresholds. Default 1961-1990
-q STR, --qmethod=STR
quantile interpolation method. Default is climpact
-d, --daily output daily EHF values and heatwave indicators
--ehi Save the EHI values
--dailyonly output only daily EHF values and suppress yearly
--t90pc Calculate tx90pc and tn90pc heatwaves
--tx90pc Calculate tx90pc seasonal heatwaves
--tn90pc Calculate tn90pc seasonal heatwaves
--tx90pc-daily Calculate tx90pc daily heatwaves
--tn90pc-daily Calculate tn90pc daily heatwaves
--noehf Supress EHF output and only use the specified t90pc
-v Verbose
--old-method Use the old definition of within-season heatwaves
If you publish any research or other work that used this software, PLEASE cite myself and this github repository in the acknowledgments section of your article. Send the final print to me as I would also be interested in reading your work. Thank you.
Input and output files:
You must provide at least some temperature data using the -x or -n arguments. If using EHF, you must provide both tmax and tmin (-x and -n). If only using tx90pc or tn90pc indices then you may only provide the relevant data for each. Specifying a land sea mask is optional, using the -m argument, but recommended. Multiple files can be specified using wildcards, use quotes when doing so. e.g.
ehfheatwaves -x "/direcory/tasmax_\*" -n "/direcory/tasmin_*" -m "/direcory/mask.nc" -d
Be careful when using the -d flag. This writes daily output of EHF values and heatwave indicators to a sepatate file. During processing, unused data are removed using the mask. When saving, this data need to be placed back into a very large gridded array. This might take up a lot of ram ~30-40GB, so make sure that you have enough if running on a desktop.
The output file names are automatically generated. Output files are named:
definition = EHF/tx90pct/tn90pct
modelname = String taken from the 'model_id' attribute in your input netCDF file.
experiment = String taken from the 'parent_experiment_rip' attribute.
ripcode = rXiXpX taken from 'realization', 'initialization_method' and ''physics_version' attributes.
frequency = yearly/daily
If your input dataset does not have any metadata about which model simulation it is, then the filename will just contain underscores. If you are running the program several times then make sure to rename the output files so they are not overwritten.
More info on output data:
Global datasets are treated differently depending on which hemisphere the data are in. The data are split by hemispheres, and summer heatwaves are calculated for the summer of that hemisphere. Heatwaves that are close to the equator should be treated with caution. There is a discontinuity of season at the equator, with values at latitude 0 treated as part of the southern hemisphere. Additionaly, there is little seasonal variation in 90th percentile in the tropics and is sometimes somewhat bimodal. This raises questions about the intepretation of tropical heatwaves using these definitions. Bear this in mind.
There are three daily indocators. 'EHF'/'tx90pct'/'tn90pct' are the raw index values for where heatwaves occur. They are 0 if a heatwave is not occuring. 'events' is a simple boolean indicator for whether a heatwave is occuring on any given day. 'ends' denotes the duration of a heatwave on the first day. All other heatwave days are 0.
To do list:
- Use standard metadata conventions