I am a physicist with experience applying quantitative methods to solve challenging research problems in particle and nuclear physics, primarily at the LHC, and in national security.
Machine Learning
Heavy Ion Physics with ATLAS
Invited talks
p+Pb Measurements with ATLAS, talk at QCD at Cosmic Energies VI, Paris, France, May 2013.
Seminars, Colloquia and Lectures
Applications of AI and ML to Nuclear Physics, Lectures at 2023 National Nuclear Physics Summer School, Riverside, CA, July 2023.
Machine Learning Approaches to Calorimetric Particle Reconstruction in High Energy Physics, seminar University of Washington, WA, August 2022.
Ultra-Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions: A path to the EIC, seminar at Ohio University, OH, December 2020.
Ultra-Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions: A path to the EIC, seminar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, December 2018.
Ultra-Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions: A path to the EIC, seminar at Penn State University, State College, PA, October 2018.
Jet Quenching in Heavy-Ion Collisions: Probing the Perfect Liquid, seminar at Columbia University, New York, NY, March 2016.
Jet Quenching in Heavy-Ion Collisions: Probing the Perfect Liquid, colloquium at University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, February 2016.
Jet Quenching in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, seminar at SLAC, Palo Alto, CA, December 2014.
Measurements of Soft and Hard Probes of High-Temperature Nuclear Matter with the ATLAS Experiment, LHC seminar at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2014.
Results on Jet Quenching from ATLAS, seminar at Columbia University, New York, NY, April 2013.
Jet Quenching at the LHC: Results from the ATLAS Experiment, seminar at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, March 2013.