Proposed Twitter (X) community notes from the last week, updated regularly. More…
Community note data is fetched regularly from Twitter (X).
This data is always a couple of days old.
Notes are excluded if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Created more than a week ago
- Classifying the post as ‘not misleading’ (i.e. in support of the post)
- Currently rated ‘unhelpful’
We also attempt to filter out notes for deleted posts and non-English posts.
Initial setup:
# Install python dependencies
poetry install
# Install ruby dependencies (Jekyll)
bundle install
# Copy template .env.example into place (and populate)
cp .env.example .env
If you just need some notes data and metadata:
curl -L -o output/data/notes.json
curl -L -o output/_data/meta.json
Then to run:
# Start the development server
bundle exec jekyll s -s output
If you want to download the notes yourself with python:
# Fetch notes
poetry run python -m x_notes
# Optional: fetch posts
poetry run python -m x_notes.fetch_tweets