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andybalholm committed Aug 12, 2021
1 parent e073f0d commit a61eb82
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Showing 4 changed files with 3 additions and 196 deletions.
162 changes: 0 additions & 162 deletions cluster_command.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package brotli

import "math"

/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under MIT license.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,163 +162,3 @@ func histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(histogram *histogramCommand, candidate *his
return populationCostCommand(&tmp) - candidate.bit_cost_

/* Find the best 'out' histogram for each of the 'in' histograms.
When called, clusters[0..num_clusters) contains the unique values from
symbols[0..in_size), but this property is not preserved in this function.
Note: we assume that out[]->bit_cost_ is already up-to-date. */
func histogramRemapCommand(in []histogramCommand, in_size uint, clusters []uint32, num_clusters uint, out []histogramCommand, symbols []uint32) {
var i uint
for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ {
var best_out uint32
if i == 0 {
best_out = symbols[0]
} else {
best_out = symbols[i-1]
var best_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(&in[i], &out[best_out])
var j uint
for j = 0; j < num_clusters; j++ {
var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(&in[i], &out[clusters[j]])
if cur_bits < best_bits {
best_bits = cur_bits
best_out = clusters[j]

symbols[i] = best_out

/* Recompute each out based on raw and symbols. */
for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ {

for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ {
histogramAddHistogramCommand(&out[symbols[i]], &in[i])

/* Reorders elements of the out[0..length) array and changes values in
symbols[0..length) array in the following way:
* when called, symbols[] contains indexes into out[], and has N unique
values (possibly N < length)
* on return, symbols'[i] = f(symbols[i]) and
out'[symbols'[i]] = out[symbols[i]], for each 0 <= i < length,
where f is a bijection between the range of symbols[] and [0..N), and
the first occurrences of values in symbols'[i] come in consecutive
increasing order.
Returns N, the number of unique values in symbols[]. */

var histogramReindexCommand_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32

func histogramReindexCommand(out []histogramCommand, symbols []uint32, length uint) uint {
var new_index []uint32 = make([]uint32, length)
var next_index uint32
var tmp []histogramCommand
var i uint
for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
new_index[i] = histogramReindexCommand_kInvalidIndex

next_index = 0
for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
if new_index[symbols[i]] == histogramReindexCommand_kInvalidIndex {
new_index[symbols[i]] = next_index

/* TODO: by using idea of "cycle-sort" we can avoid allocation of
tmp and reduce the number of copying by the factor of 2. */
tmp = make([]histogramCommand, next_index)

next_index = 0
for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
if new_index[symbols[i]] == next_index {
tmp[next_index] = out[symbols[i]]

symbols[i] = new_index[symbols[i]]

new_index = nil
for i = 0; uint32(i) < next_index; i++ {
out[i] = tmp[i]

tmp = nil
return uint(next_index)

func clusterHistogramsCommand(in []histogramCommand, in_size uint, max_histograms uint, out []histogramCommand, out_size *uint, histogram_symbols []uint32) {
var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, in_size)
var clusters []uint32 = make([]uint32, in_size)
var num_clusters uint = 0
var max_input_histograms uint = 64
var pairs_capacity uint = max_input_histograms * max_input_histograms / 2
var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, (pairs_capacity + 1))
var i uint

/* For the first pass of clustering, we allow all pairs. */
for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ {
cluster_size[i] = 1

for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ {
out[i] = in[i]
out[i].bit_cost_ = populationCostCommand(&in[i])
histogram_symbols[i] = uint32(i)

for i = 0; i < in_size; i += max_input_histograms {
var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(in_size-i, max_input_histograms)
var num_new_clusters uint
var j uint
for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ {
clusters[num_clusters+j] = uint32(i + j)

num_new_clusters = histogramCombineCommand(out, cluster_size, histogram_symbols[i:], clusters[num_clusters:], pairs, num_to_combine, num_to_combine, max_histograms, pairs_capacity)
num_clusters += num_new_clusters
/* For the second pass, we limit the total number of histogram pairs.
After this limit is reached, we only keep searching for the best pair. */
var max_num_pairs uint = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters)
if pairs_capacity < (max_num_pairs + 1) {
var _new_size uint
if pairs_capacity == 0 {
_new_size = max_num_pairs + 1
} else {
_new_size = pairs_capacity
var new_array []histogramPair
for _new_size < (max_num_pairs + 1) {
_new_size *= 2
new_array = make([]histogramPair, _new_size)
if pairs_capacity != 0 {
copy(new_array, pairs[:pairs_capacity])

pairs = new_array
pairs_capacity = _new_size

/* Collapse similar histograms. */
num_clusters = histogramCombineCommand(out, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, in_size, max_histograms, max_num_pairs)

pairs = nil
cluster_size = nil

/* Find the optimal map from original histograms to the final ones. */
histogramRemapCommand(in, in_size, clusters, num_clusters, out, histogram_symbols)

clusters = nil

/* Convert the context map to a canonical form. */
*out_size = histogramReindexCommand(out, histogram_symbols, in_size)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compress_fragment.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ emit_commands:
assert(candidate < ip)

table[hash] = int(ip - base_ip)
if !(!isMatch5(in[ip:], in[candidate:])) {
if isMatch5(in[ip:], in[candidate:]) {
Expand Down
31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions decode.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,15 +50,6 @@ const (
decoderErrorUnreachable = -31

* The value of the last error code, negative integer.
* All other error code values are in the range from ::lastErrorCode
* to @c -1. There are also 4 other possible non-error codes @c 0 .. @c 3 in
* ::BrotliDecoderErrorCode enumeration.
const lastErrorCode = decoderErrorUnreachable

/** Options to be used with ::BrotliDecoderSetParameter. */
const (
decoderParamDisableRingBufferReallocation = 0
Expand All @@ -81,28 +72,6 @@ var kCodeLengthPrefixLength = [16]byte{2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2,

var kCodeLengthPrefixValue = [16]byte{0, 4, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3, 5}

func decoderSetParameter(state *Reader, p int, value uint32) bool {
if state.state != stateUninited {
return false
switch p {
case decoderParamDisableRingBufferReallocation:
if !(value == 0) {
state.canny_ringbuffer_allocation = 0
} else {
state.canny_ringbuffer_allocation = 1
return true

case decoderParamLargeWindow:
state.large_window = (!(value == 0))
return true

return false

/* Saves error code and converts it to BrotliDecoderResult. */
func saveErrorCode(s *Reader, e int) int {
s.error_code = int(e)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions http.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ func init() {
var t octetType
isCtl := c <= 31 || c == 127
isChar := 0 <= c && c <= 127
isSeparator := strings.IndexRune(" \t\"(),/:;<=>?@[]\\{}", rune(c)) >= 0
if strings.IndexRune(" \t\r\n", rune(c)) >= 0 {
isSeparator := strings.ContainsRune(" \t\"(),/:;<=>?@[]\\{}", rune(c))
if strings.ContainsRune(" \t\r\n", rune(c)) {
t |= isSpace
if isChar && !isCtl && !isSeparator {
Expand Down

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