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Adds basic parametric polymorphism for functions and structures
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At this point, variables with generic types must be treated completely
generically. This will allow abstract data types, like 'Vec' and 'Map',
but doesn't allow creating, for example, a polymorphic function that
sums a list of numbers (either 'int' or 'float'). That behavior will be
implemented later, when the codebase becomes stable. Also using the
Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector for now (using FetchContent from an unofficial git repo). At some point, paw will
get its own garbage collector. At first, it will be a simple tracing GC,
like the one we had before static typing was added, except that it needs
to coordinate with a custom allocator so it can find pointers (or
maintain a lookup table).
  • Loading branch information
andy-byers committed Jun 23, 2024
1 parent f0a7ca9 commit 417d8b5
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Showing 49 changed files with 8,234 additions and 4,574 deletions.
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,19 +31,26 @@ else()

GIT_TAG v8.2.6)


add_library(paw STATIC)
Expand All @@ -59,6 +66,7 @@ target_sources(paw
Expand All @@ -68,7 +76,7 @@ target_sources(paw
Expand All @@ -82,10 +90,12 @@ target_sources(paw
PRIVATE paw_context)
PRIVATE paw_context
Expand Down
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
# Paw language grammer (EBNF)
**TODO: get rid of requirement that "break" | "return" | "continue" is the last statement in the block**
** just don't emit unreachable code**
** use a tool to validate this...**

## Statements
Stmt ::= ExprStmt | WhileLoop | DoWhileLoop |
ForLoop | IfElse | Declaration |
Block .
Chunk ::= {Stmt [";"]} [LastStmt [";"]] .
Block ::= "{" Chunk "}" .
LastStmt ::= "return" [Expr] | "continue" | "break" .
ExprStmt ::= Operand "=" Expr | Call | Match .

### Control flow
IfElse ::= "if" Expr Block [{"else" IfElse} | "else" Block] .
WhileLoop ::= "while" Expr Block .
DoWhileLoop ::= "do" Block "while" Expr .
ForLoop ::= ForIn | ForNum .
ForIn ::= "for" name "in" Expr Block .
ForNum ::= "for" name "=" Expr "," Expr ["," Expr] Block .
Match ::= "match" Expr MatchBody .
MatchBody ::= "{" {MatchArm ","} MatchArm "}" .
MatchClause ::= Expr "=>" MatchArm .
MatchArm ::= Expr | Block .

## Declarations
Declaration ::= VarDecl | FunctionDecl |
ClassDecl | EnumDecl | TypeDecl .
VarDecl ::= "let" name [":" Type] "=" Expr .
TypeDecl ::= "type" name [TypeParam] "=" Type .
TypeParam ::= "[" {name ","} name "]" .

### Functions
FunctionDecl ::= "fn" Function .
Function ::= name [TypeParam] FuncType Block .
FuncType ::= "(" [{Field ","} Field] ")" ["->" Type] .
Field ::= name ":" Type .

### Classes
ClassDecl ::= "class" ClassType .
ClassType ::= name [TypeParam] ClassBody .
ClassBody ::= "{" {Attribute [";"]} "}" .
Attribute ::= Method | Field .
Method ::= ["static"] Function .

### Enumerators
EnumDecl ::= "enum" name EnumBody .
EnumBody ::= "{" [{Variant ","} Variant] "}" .
Variant ::= name [Payload] .
Payload ::= "(" {Type ","} Type ")" .

## Operators
BinOp ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" |
"%" | "&" | "^" | "|" |
"<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" |
"==" | "!=" | "&&" | "||" .
UnOp ::= "-" | "~" | "!" | "#" .

## Expressions
Expr ::= PrimaryExpr | Expr BinOp Expr | UnOp Expr .
PrimaryExpr ::= Operand | Call | Literal | "(" Expr ")" .
Call ::= PrimaryExpr "(" [ExprList] ")" .
Operand ::= name | Index | Selector .
Index ::= PrimaryExpr "[" ExprList "]" .
Selector ::= PrimaryExpr "." name .
ExprList ::= {Expr ","} Expr .

## Types
Type ::= name [TypeArgs] | TypeLit .
TypeLit ::= FuncType | ArrayType | TupleType .
FuncType ::= "fn" "(" [TypeList] ")" ["->" Type] .
TypeList ::= {Type ","} Type
TypeArgs ::= "[" TypeList "]" .
NamedType ::= name [TypeArgs] .
ArrayType ::= "[" Type ";" int_lit "]" .
TupleType ::= "(" [Type "," [Type]] ")" .

## Operands
Operand ::= Literal | name [TypeArgs] .
Literal ::= BasicLit | CompositeLit .
BasicLit ::= int_lit | bool_lit | float_lit | string_lit .

### Composite literals
Note that the unit type is just a 0-tuple (an tuple with 0 elements).
A 1-tuple must have a trailing `,` to distinguish it from a parenthesized expression.
CompositeLit ::= ClassLit | ArrayLit | TupleLit | VariantLit .
ClassLit ::= NamedType "{" [ItemList [","]] "}" .
ArrayLit ::= "[" [ExprList [","]] "]" .
TupleLit ::= "(" [Expr "," [Expr [","]]] ")" .
VariantLit ::= name ["(" {Expr ","} Expr ")"] .
ItemList ::= KeyedItem {"," KeyedItem} [","] .
KeyedItem ::= [Key ":"] Expr .
Key ::= name | Expr .

### Integer literals
int_lit ::= decimal_lit | binary_lit | octal_lit | hex_lit .
decimal_lit ::= "0" | ("1" … "9") [decimal_digits] .
binary_lit ::= "0" ("b" | "B") binary_digits .
octal_lit ::= "0" ("o" | "O") octal_digits .
hex_lit ::= "0" ("x" | "X") hex_digits .

### Float literals
float_lit := decimal_digits "." [decimal_digits] [decimal_exponent] |
decimal_digits decimal_exponent |
"." decimal_digits [decimal_exponent] .
decimal_exponent := ("e" | "E") ["+" | "-"] decimal_digits .

## Miscellaneous
name ::= letter {letter | decimal_digit} .
letter ::= "A" … "Z" | "a" … "z" | "_" .
decimal_digit ::= "0" … "9" .
binary_digit ::= "0" | "1" .
octal_digit ::= "0" … "7" .
hex_digit ::= "0" … "9" | "A" … "F" | "a" … "f" .
decimal_digits ::= decimal_digit {decimal_digit} .
binary_digits ::= binary_digit {binary_digit} .
octal_digits ::= octal_digit {octal_digit} .
hex_digits ::= hex_digit {hex_digit} .


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