The web app for sharing images.
The final project after Web Academy Python/Django course.
Review gallery images incognito. Sign up or log in to upload and like.
The service provides an authorisation via login/password and uploading images. User's cabinet shows all images uploaded by user and provides deletion feature of redundant images. You may vote for an image after log in as well.
Upload form is unavailable for non-authorised users. The only may review all the images and affect image review count. It has very simple mechanism and refreshes every time you visit an individual image page or refresh it.
"All" page includes all image flow sorted in the descending order by the uploading date. You may also switch to a paginated view in case of numerous images.
"Popular" page demonstrates 12 most frequently reviewed images sorted in the descending order by the view count.
"Like" page demonstrates 12 most liked images sorted in descending order by the like count.