This implementation is based on that: https://github.com/andry81-devops/github-clone-count-badge
This tutorial is contain content related to the GitHub itself. All other description has moved into other tutorials.
All tutorials: https://github.com/andry81/index#tutorials
Implementation can accumulate GitHub traffic clones or/and views, GitHub account rate limits of an authenticated user.
Workflow has used a bash script to accumulate statistic:
GitHub traffic clones/views: accum-stats.sh
GitHub account rate limits: accum-rate-limits.sh
Basically most of the scripts does accumulate the response. For example, the clones accumulator script does accumulate statistic both into a single file:
, and into a set of files grouped by year and allocated per day:traffic/clones/by_year/YYYY/YYYY-MM-DD.json
. -
A repository based accumulator script has a repository to track and a repository to store traffic statistic and they may be different. If they is different, then you can directly point the statistic as a standalone commits list:
. -
All scripts does use GitHub composite action to reuse workflow code base: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/creating-a-composite-action
Not all features of a generic GitHub action is supported: Known Issues
You need setup 3-4 repositories.
Repository which statistic you want to track:
.[!NOTE] This repository is only required for repository based statistic scripts.
Repository, where statistic will be saved:
.[!NOTE] You still can use a single repository to request and to store, but it is not convenient and will distort the clone statistic (at least until the GitHub action user who is used to checkout the statistic output repository won't be involved into clones counter change), so is not recommended.
Repository, where to store github workflow support scripts:
You can fork or use it from here: https://github.com/andry81-devops/gh-workflow -
Repository, where to store github composite action:
GitHub composite action to request and accumulate a repository clones/views statistic:
https://github.com/andry81-devops/gh-action--accum-gh-stats -
GitHub composite action to request and accumulate an account rate limits:
All action scripts:
https://github.com/andry81/index#action-scripts -
See REUSE section for details if you have multiple repositories and want to store all GitHub workflow scripts (.github/workflows/*.yml
) in a single repository.
You need to attach a personal access token (PAT) into a repository used to run a GitHub action script (.github/workflows/*.yml
) to read content from another repository and obtain the read permission from that repository: repo
You need to attach a personal access token (PAT) into a repository used to run a GitHub action script (.github/workflows/*.yml
) to write content into another repository and obtain the push permission into that repository: repo
You need to attach a personal access token (PAT) into a repository used to run a GitHub action script (.github/workflows/*.yml
) to read statistic of another repository and obtain the push permission into that repository: repo
A separate personal access token (PAT) does not require to be attached into a repository used to run a GitHub action script for another repository as long as that another repository is owned by the same owner as a repository which runs a GitHub action script.
-> needs read/write access permissions to read repository statistic as not public repository metadata (not files)myrepo--gh-stats
-> needs read/write access permissions to read/write repository files
To generate PAT: https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token
To attach PAT: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/encrypted-secrets#creating-encrypted-secrets-for-a-repository
Beginning from the gh-workflow
as a dependency to all action scripts the checkout action script https://github.com/actions/checkout can be replaced by a wrapper script https://github.com/andry81-devops/gh-action--git-checkout which does support checkout from an empty repository and you can leave an output repository empty before the first checkout.
Now the initial output repository state is not required as input. The information about initial output repository state is removed from here.
The myrepo
repository should contain 1 file per statistic entity:
You must replace all placeholder into respective values:
-> repository owner{{REPO}}
After the github workflow yaml file is commited and pushed, you can run the action from the Actions
tab in the myrepo
After that you can add badges to reference a repository statistic:
<p align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/views">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=Github%20views|all&query=count&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/views/latest-accum.json?raw=True&logo=github" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|any|total" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=14d&query=count&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/views/latest.json?raw=True" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|any|14d" /></a>
• <a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/views">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=Github%20views|unq&query=uniques&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/views/latest-accum.json?raw=True&logo=github" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|unique per day|total" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=14d&query=uniques&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/views/latest.json?raw=True" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|unique per day|14d" /></a>
<p align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/clones">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=Github%20clones|all&query=count&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/clones/latest-accum.json?raw=True&logo=github" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|any|total" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=14d&query=count&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/clones/latest.json?raw=True" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|any|14d" /></a>
• <a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/clones">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=Github%20clones|unq&query=uniques&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/clones/latest-accum.json?raw=True&logo=github" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|unique per day|total" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=success&label=14d&query=uniques&url=https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/raw/master/traffic/clones/latest.json?raw=True" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|unique per day|14d" /></a>
There is https://github.com/andry81-devops/gh-action--accum-content action script which can periodically download all the dynamic badges and other files into a content cache repository.
You can add links pointing a content cache repository instead, to leave the README.md
a bit simplier:
<p align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/views">
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/views/all.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|any|total" />
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/views/all-14d.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|any|14d" /></a>
• <a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/views">
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/views/unq.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|unique per day|total" />
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/views/unq-14d.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub views|unique per day|14d" /></a>
<p align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/clones">
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/clones/all.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|any|total" />
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/clones/all-14d.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|any|14d" /></a>
• <a href="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}--gh-stats/commits/master/traffic/clones">
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/clones/unq.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|unique per day|total" />
<img src="https://github.com/{{REPO_OWNER}}-cache/{{REPO_OWNER}}--gh-content-cache/raw/master/repo/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO}}/badges/traffic/clones/unq-14d.svg" valign="middle" alt="GitHub clones|unique per day|14d" /></a>
##Features of a standalone content cache repository:
The GitHub does disable all workflow scripts in case of repository main branch inactivity for a period of time: Known Issues
You can reuse all workflow scripts from a single repository to ease the maintain and scripts edit.
For example, if you have 3 repositories myrepo1
, myrepo2
, myrepo3
and the repository owner is user
, then you can put all workflow scripts into a single repository github.com/user/user/.github/workflows
in this way:
And use slightly different naming:
name: "myrepo1: GitHub clones counter for 14 days at every 8 hours and clones accumulator"
name: "myrepo1: GitHub views counter for 14 days at every 8 hours and views accumulator"
If you have multiple repositories to store the statistic, then you can create a github organization account like <owner>-stats
and move all statistic repositories into organization's account.
It will leave the repositories page of the original account untouched on each commit into an organization account repository.