A hands-on training session at LPW 2011 to develop a website with dynamic content.
From doing the exercises you will:
- learn to use the Dancer framework
- learn to use Template Toolkit
- understand the concept of Model-View-Controller
- experience structuring code for maintainability
- experience using object oriented Perl modules
Dancer is a micro 'web framework' - a toolkit for developing a dynamic web application. It is inspired by the Ruby framework, Sinatra.
Basic knowledge of:
- Perl (no need for OO Perl)
- Bash/Linux command line interface
- A text editor like vi/emacs/pico
- Bring a laptop with an ssh client (e.g. PuTTY or MINGW/MSYS if it's Windows)
- Login to lpw.illywhacker.net as per the printout received on arrival
- Checkout the learning materials
git clone git://github.com/andrewsolomon/training.dancer.lpw.2011.git
- When you've done an exercise, view the result at http://lpw.illywhacker.net:[Your Port Number]
Do your exercises in the directories
and if you get stuck, you'll find solutions in
The lesson is divided into two sections:
This provides you with the basic toolkit of skills for implementing a web site.
This is where the interface to the search engine is implemented. If you just want to cut to the chase, you can skip some of the exercises as follows:
Quick (and Dirty) Dancing
- Part 1: Ex 1 - 4, 6, 8
- Part 2: Ex 1 - 4
- Homepage of Dancer http://perldancer.org/
- Dancer Tutorial http://search.cpan.org/~xsawyerx/Dancer-1.3072/lib/Dancer/Tutorial.pod
- Dancer Plugins http://search.cpan.org/~sukria/Dancer/lib/Dancer/Plugins.pod
- Dancer Advent Calendar 2010 http://advent.perldancer.org/2010