This is a proof-of-concept implementation of a2dp-alsa using bluez5 DBus API. It acts as a bluetooth "source", accepts input on stdin to be sent to external bluetooth speaker. It acts as a bluetooth "sink", outputs on raw sound on stdout which you can pipe to aplay.
The code lives in a2dp-alsa.c (single file, not refactored yet).
It is based on the original work from here: It includes the Bluez5 patch from here:
- a2dp-codecs.h is from bluez 4.101
- ipc.h is from bluez 4.101
- rtp.h is from bluez 4.101
- sbc/* is from sbc 1.3
- uthash.h is from What else you need to compile: dbus, and of course bluez bluetoothd to run it.
As it is configured today, the stdout output is S16_LE, 44.1 kHz, either stereo or mono (depending on what the source supports). You can pipe the output to "aplay -f cd" and it should work.
The stdin input is expected to be S16_LE, 44.1 kHz too, either stereo or mono, depending on what the sink support.
Only SBC codec is supported at the moment.
To tell a2dp-alsa as a sink (device streams audio to computer running a2dp):
- run "a2dp-alsa --sink | aplay -f cd" (we pipe a2dp's output to aplay, which will output it to computer's speaker)
- connect your device (many ways of doing it, at the basic level you can do dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/[bluetoothd-pid]/hci/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX org.bluez.AudioSource.Connect (where XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX is the device's bluetooth address).
To tell a2dp-alsa as a source (streams audio from computer to bluetooth speaker)
- run "audio-source | a2dp-alsa --source" where audio-source is a program that will produce raw audio data on stdout, example: "mpg321 --stdout xxx.mp3", or "ffmpeg -i xxx.mp3 -", etc.
- connect your bluetooth speaker, e.g: dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/[bluetoothd-pid]/hci/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX org.bluez.AudioSink.Connect (where XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX is the device's bluetooth address).
Two mode of operation for "source":
- Running as --source will tell a2dp-alsa to quit as soon as stdin is exhausted. This is probably what you want if you use it inside asoundrc (bearing in mind that as soon as a2dp-alsa quits, the bluetooth connection is terminated and you will have to re-connect the BT speaker again next time). This has the effect of running a2dp-alsa "on-demand". ffmpeg works with this, VLC stutters, youtube crash.
What to put in .asoundrc:
pcm.a2dp {
type rate
slave {
pcm {
type file
slave.pcm "null"
file "| /mnt/sda5/holding/projects/a2dp-alsa/a2dp-alsa --source"
rate 44100
- Or you can run a permanent "a2dp server". Useful if you want to run this together with --sink too. First, make a fifo (say mkfifo /tmp/a2dp.fifo), then "a2dp-alsa --source=/tmp/a2dp.fifo" (or, alternatively, "a2dp-buffer /tmp/a2dp.fifo | a2dp-alsa --source" - this is the older way of doing it, still works). Run this way, ffmpeg (still) works, VLC works (output to file, set to the fifo), youtube still crash.
Use this asoundrc:
pcm.a2dpfifo {
type rate
slave {
pcm {
type file
slave.pcm "null"
file "/tmp/a2dp.fifo"
rate 44100
There is a small utility a2dp-buffer whose job is is to read a pipe and put what it has read to stdout. If the pipe is closed, it will re-open again, forever. It also tries to buffer the content.
With a2dp-buffer it is possible to run a2dp-alsa as a "A2DP soundserver" accepting providing sink and source at the same time, like this: "a2dp-buffer /tmp/a2dp.fifo | a2dp-alsa --source --sink | aplay -f cd" (after you have made the fifo). Use the second asoundrc above for settings.
Note: a2dp-buffer is obsolete. a2dp-alsa now is capable of doing the buffering itself, and it can re-open the fifo itself. Just run it like this: "a2dp-alsa --source=/tmp/a2dp.fifo --sink | aplay -f cd"
Media.RegisterEndpoint (UUID as A2DP Sink or Source)
When somebody attempt connection / streaming, bluez will:
- call MediaEndpoint.SelectConfiguration, then
- call MediaEndpoint.SetConfiguration == during SetConfiguration, store the given transport_path (in our case, we also create I/O thread, but leave it as idle)
Then bluez will issue AudioSource (or AudioSink) PropertyChange when stream is connected.
For AudioSource (bt sink: bt --> alsa), we find the transition from "connected" to "playing" and then we call MediaTransport.Acquire (using the saved transport_path) to get the descriptors, then we tell our thread to start streaming. If the transition is "playing" --> "connected", we stop streaming and release transport.
For AudioSink (bt source: alsa --> bt), we are in charge of the transmission. Only when we acquire the state will change to "playing" so we can't wait for it. Instead, we wait for transition from "disconnected" to "connected" and then we acquire the transport. We stop streaming and release the transport if we detect "connected" --> "disconnected" transition.
Note: In bluez 5, AudioSource/Sink PropertyChange will be replaced by org.freedesktop.Properties.PropertyChanged. for arg=org.bluez.MediaTransport1.
bluez also have TryAcquire which only makes sense for "bt source" above - if the device is not already connected, it will not connect. Acquire will always make a connection when possible.
During streaming:
Read/write the fd as required. Data format is RTP --> RTP header + RTP payload. RTP payload depends on codec, for SBC it is SBC-header + SBC frame(s). -
When one of the party disconnects, bluez will issue:
- MediaEndpoint.ClearConfiguration == stop streaming from here onwards, immediate (kill our I/O thread).
MediaEndpoint.Release will be called when bluez wants us to shutdown. Do our own cleanup, no need to de-register etc. (stop all I/O threads, then quit)
That's it! The process is the same for either Sink or Source.
It can act as sink and/or source. But using it both as sink/source at the same time, somehow causes output streaming (from computer to bluetooth speaker) to stutter - need to investigate. (This was true in 2013 with N900, no longer true in 2015 tested with Android).
Minimal error checking (purpose is to show how it works).
Will work with multiple bt devices connected but look - there is only one input (stdin) and output (stdout). You can make it work as a simple router (bt phone --> (sink) computer (source) --> bt speaker) by piping sink's output to source's fifo, like this:
"a2dp-alsa --source=/tmp/a2dp.fifo --sink | aplay -f cd -D a2dpfifo"
Now only works on bluez 4.x (4.101 tested), may need to refactor to work on bluez 5. The biggest stud: the org.bluez.AudioSource / org.bluez.AudioSink signals are gone so we need another way to know when we can Acquire the transport, supposedly as noted above.
What can be improved:
- check why running both input and output causes output to stutter.
- handle device changes - auto-detect new devices and auto-shutdown on removal.
merge a2dp-buffer with bt_write(DONE)- make an alsa-library driver for it (like pcm_bluetooth, which is removed in bluez 5), instead of the kludge with alsa 'file' plugin as above.
make it bluez 5 capable. Note that at this time of writing, June 2013, bluez has been on the wild for 6 months, the API keeps changing, and even pulseaudio - the biggest supporter of bluez, still hasn't supported bluez 5.(DONE)- etc.