Plain JavaScript with types by leveraging TypeScript's JSDoc support.
Plain JavaScript and JSDoc
- 💄 TypeScript is good at types
- 📜 Types are already part of docs, repeating creates noise
- 💕 Incentivize documentation writing by giving them static typing powers ⚡
- 🧠 Thinking about types and code logic are different mental activities. One is zoomed-in, focused on what each piece is, the other, zoomed-out and focused on how the data flows from one transition to another
- Main: JavaScript + types using TypeScript support for JSDoc
- Testing: riteway
- Linting: ESLint, @asd14/eslint-config
- Formatting: ESLint rules + prettier
- Environment variable: dotenv
- Clean package install
# "setup": "rm -rf ./node_modules && npm install && npm audit fix",
npm run setup
- Check for package updates (with interactive console)
# "update": "npm-check --update",
npm run update
- Compile "src" folder into "dist" while also generating ".d.ts" - see tsconfig.json
# "build": "tsc --skipLibCheck",
npm run build
- Lint source files - see .eslintrc
# "lint:md": "markdownlint *.md",
# "lint:js": "eslint --quiet src",
# "lint": "npm run lint:md && npm run lint:js",
npm run lint
- Run all ".test.js" files from "dist" folder - see example test file
# "pretest": "npm run build",
# "test": "riteway 'dist/**/*.test.js' | tap-nirvana",
npm run test
- Watch changes in "src" folder and re-run tests
# "tdd": "nodemon --ext js,json --watch src --exec 'npm test'"
npm run tdd
- jsdoc - An API documentation generator for JavaScript
- better-docs - Beautiful toolbox for JSDoc generated documentation - with 'typescript', 'category' and 'component' plugins
- documentation.js - The documentation system for modern JavaScript
- apidoc - Inline Documentation for RESTful web APIs
- jsdoc-to-markdown - Generate markdown documentation from jsdoc-annotated JavaScript
1. Can I use both JSDocs infered types and TypeScript annotations?
No, TypeScript draws a hard line between functionalities provided in .js
and .ts
files. TypeScript specific syntax is only available in .ts
files, while JSDoc interpretation in .js
- Naming conventions that work
- Hierarchical Model-View-Controller
- Better repeat yourself than a wrong abstraction
- Don't fix imaginary future problem
- Extract code in libraries and test 100%
- If possible, don't mock, E2E test
See the releases section for details.