This is an app version of TV game show Family Feud. It was made using jQuery and Javascript OOP (Object Oriented Programming) principles. Each game consists of three rounds that can be played with two players. The first two rounds will allow the users to guess the possible responses until all three have been answered, toggling between the two users when an incorrect answer is submitted. After the second round, it moves to a final round, where the points are doubled and each player makes as many guesses for the possible answers within 30 seconds. At the end of this round, the winner of the game appears.
git clone
Once you have cloned the repo, install the library dependencies. Run:
npm install
To view the app in action, run the following command in your terminal:
npm start
Then, go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see the code running in the browser.
- Write a program from scratch
- Synthesize knowledge of OOP, classes, and JS fundamentals to create a playable game
- Demonstrate good GitHub collaboration and workflow within a large group
- Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responibility Principle)
- Create a robust test suite that thoroughly tests all functionality of a client-side application
- Implement array iterator and mutator methods to work with game data