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Improving Low-Resource Retrieval Effectiveness using Zero-Shot Linguistic Similarity Transfer

Code for the ECIR 2025 IR4Good Paper


Globalisation and colonisation have led the vast majority of the world to use only a fraction of languages, such as English and French, to communicate, excluding many others. This has severely affected the survivability of many now-deemed vulnerable or endangered languages, such as Occitan and Sicilian. These languages often share some char- acteristics, such as elements of their grammar and lexicon, with other high-resource languages, e.g. French or Italian. They can be clustered into groups of language varieties with various degrees of mutual intel- ligibility. Current search systems are not usually trained on many of these low-resource varieties, leading search users to express their needs in a high-resource one instead. This problem is further complicated when most information content is expressed in a high-resource language, in- hibiting even more retrieval in low-resource languages. We show that current search systems are not robust across language varieties, severely affecting retrieval effectiveness. Therefore, it would be desirable for these systems to leverage the capabilities of neural models to bridge the dif- ferences between these varieties. This can allow users to express their needs in their low-resource variety and retrieve the most relevant doc- uments in a high-resource one. To address this, we propose fine-tuning neural rankers on pairs of language varieties, thereby exposing them to their linguistic similarities. We find that this approach improves the per- formance of the varieties upon which the models were directly trained, thereby regularising these models to generalise and perform better even on unseen language variety pairs. We additionally explore whether this approach can transfer across language families, where we observe mixed results, which opens doors for future research.

Reproducing the experiments


The instructions here are focused on setting up a conda environment.

This code was developed and tested with Python 3.10.

First, create a virtual environment:

conda create -n lt
conda activate lt

To run the retrieval and re-ranking experiments for BM25, BGE-M3 and mT5, you will need to install the following dependencies to run

To run retrieval using ColBERT-XM, please use our fork of the xm-retrievers package from here.

BM25, BGE-M3 and mT5


To run BM25 and BGE-M3 retrieval experiments, you need to build an index. You can use the and scripts to build the indexes for BGE-M3 and BM25, respectively.

Example usage:

python --dataset mmarco/v2/dt --model bge-m3-lt-cafr --index /path/to/output

Or for BM25:

python --dataset mmarco/v2/dt --index /path/to/output --language nl


The is the main script used to run the BM25, BGE-M3 and mT5 MMARCO retrieval experiments.

The script requires you to change the following variables:

  1. TRANSLATIONS_DIR change this to the directory where the query translations are stored
  2. RETRIEVAL_RESULTS_DIR change this to the directory where the retrieval results are to be stored

Example usage:

python --lang ca --model bge-m3-lt-cafr --index /path/to/index --evaluate

This will use the BGE-M3 (Catalan-French) model and run retrieval experiments on Catalan and French queries on the French collection, save the results to the RETRIEVAL_RESULTS_DIR and evaluate the results.

neuMARCO and neuCLIR

To run the neuMARCO and neuCLIR retrieval experiments, you can use the and the script for BGE-M3 and mT5, respectively.

Example usage:

python ---dataset neuclir/1/fa --index path/to/original_bgem3/index --trans_index /path/to/index/of/finetuned_bgem3/index --model bge-m3-lt-cafr --out_path /path/to/save/retrieval/res
python ---dataset neuclir/1/fa --first_stage /path/to/first_stage/results --model mt5-base-lt-cafr --out_path /path/to/save/retrieval/res


To run the experiments, you can use the script from the xm-retrievers repo. (Check the xm-retrievers repository for usage details.)


To reproduce the mMARCO retrieval experiments using ColBERT-XM, you need to make the following tweaks to the file in xm-retrievers/src/data:

  1. For evaluation, ensure the data_filepaths['test_queries'] is set to the path of the translated queries file. e.g. the Catalan queries

  2. For training, ensure the data_filepaths['train_queries'] is set to the path of the translated queries file. e.g. the Catalan queries


To reproduce the neuMARCO retrieval experiments using ColBERT-XM, you need to make the following tweaks to the file in xm-retrievers/src/data:

  1. Make sure the data_filepaths['collection'] is set to the path of the neumarco collection file.

  2. Comment out the data_filepaths['train_queries'] and data_filepaths['test_queries'] and leave the original self.download_if_not_exists(url) call.


To reproduce the neuCLIR retrieval experiments, you can use the xm-retrievers fork and just change the DATA variable of xm-retrievers/scripts/ to "neuclir". (Check the xm-retrievers repository for more usage details.)

To evaluate the results, you can use the script. You must download some mapping files to map the ColBERT-XM rankings to the original neuCLIR document IDs.

Fine-tuning the models

The first requirement for BGE-M3 and mT5 fine-tuning is to create a JSON file of the training data + mined negatives. For reproducibility, you can find our training JSONL files in the released dataset (see Checkpoints and Dataset on Hugging Face 🤗 Section) for the link.

If you want to generate your own training data with negatives with a different configuration, first download the mMARCO dataset of the desired language. Then, use the script to create the training JSONL file. You need to change paths in the PATHS section of the script to match your setup.

The script uses the sampling code from the xm-retrievers repository.


You can use the script to fine-tune the BGE-M3 model on the mMARCO dataset. The only requirement is setting the output_dir variable to the desired output directory and train_data to the path of the training JSONL file.


You can use the script to fine-tune the mT5 model on the mMARCO dataset. A few paths in the script need to be changed to match your setup, such as MODEL_SAVE_PATH and QUERIES_PATH.


To finetune ColBERT-XM you can use the script from the xm-retrievers repo. (Check the xm-retrievers repository for more usage details.)

Using the fine-tuned models in PyTerrier

BGE-M3 retrieval (using pyterrier-dr[bgem3])

More detailed instructions for BGE-M3 retrieval can be found in the pyterrier-dr documentation under the BGE-M3 Encoder Section.

The example below shows how to use one of the Linguistic Transfer variants of BGE-M3 for retrieval by changing the default model_name to one of the BGE-M3 models in the section below.

import pyterrier as pt
from pyterrier_dr import BGEM3, FlexIndex

dataset = pt.get_dataset(f"irds:mmarco/v2/fr/dev/small")
topics = dataset.get_topics(tokenise_query=False)

factory = BGEM3(batch_size=32, max_length=1024, verbose=True, model_name="andreaschari/bge-m3-lt-afdt")
encoder = factory.query_encoder()

index = FlexIndex(f"mmarco/v2/fr_bgem3", verbose=True) #replace index with your location

pipeline = encoder >> idx.np_retriever()

first_stage_res = pipeline(topics)

mT5 re-ranking (using pyterrier-t5)

More detailed instructions for mT5 retrieval using PyTerrier can be found in the pyterrier-t5 documentation here

The example below shows how to use one of the Linguistic Transfer variants of mT5 to rerank some first-stage retrieval results (such as the output of the example above) by changing the default model_name to one of the mT5 models in the section below.

import pyterrier as pt
from pyterrier_t5 import mT5ReRanker

reranker = mT5ReRanker(model='andreaschari/mt5-base-lt-cafr', verbose=True)
pipeline = pt.text.get_text(dataset, "text") >> reranker

reranked_res = pipeline(first_stage_res)

Checkpoints and Dataset on Hugging Face 🤗

The translated data used in the paper are available here.

Model Checkpoints

Model Hugging Face URL
BGE-M3 (Catalan-French) Download
BGE-M3 (Afrikaans-Dutch) Download
mT5 (Catalan-French) Download
mT5 (Afrikaans-Dutch) Download
ColBERT-XM (Catalan-French) Download
ColBERT-XM (Afrikaans-Dutch) Download





Code for the ECIR 2025 IR4Good Paper






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