For this week’s practice you will have to HTML model a website as a prototype.
- The customer of the bakery needs to see the different flavors of cakes as well as the prices of each one of them.
- The customer needs to see the different cake decorations and the prices of each one.
- Customers will have the possibility to combine flavors depending on their preferences.
- Customer will have the possibility to combine decorations depending on their preferences.
- The customer of the bakery needs to fill a form with their order.
- The form must contain the contact details of the client which are: Name, Phone, E-Mail, General description of the cake and the selection of flavors and decorations.
- The baker needs to have information on how many flavors he has left to make the cakes.
- The baker needs to have information on how many decorations he has left to make the cakes.
- The baker needs a table showing the orders that have been made with the form information.
- The page must have the bakery information, which is address, phone and opening hours.
- Create bakery brand as a logo and messages we will give from the brand.
- Layout of the customer's page.
- Layout of the baker's page.
- Styles Bonus (Introduction to CSS).
- Routes Bonus (Navigation on the page).
- Deployment Bonus (Mount the online page with free domain).