These codes calcuated edit distance between input sequence and pattern.
There are three types of edit distances that are evaluated.
Levenshtein distance:
Generalized edit distance based on shape similarity
Generalized edit distance based on keyboard character position.
The main core of this string matching is coded using C language. However, data preprocessing and output summary are done by C++ language. In addition, there is need to install boost library.
The similarity between two characters are referenced by: Simpson IC, Mousikou P, Montoya JM, Defior S. A letter visual-similarity matrix for Latin-based alphabets. Behavior research methods. 2013;45(2):431?439.
In keyboard character position, key positions are stored in an array, which using the euclidean keyboard distance ( However, there is no transformation between uppercase and lowercase; you can modify the code for another application.
The English dictionary in can be used in this evaluation.