Python library for querying Seinfeld quotes.
Depends on a database generated using scripts by Colin Pollick.
libseinfeld is compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+. You can install it from PyPI with the following command:
$ pip install seinfeld
libseinfeld requires a local copy of the Seinfeld quote database. You can build it by following the instructions on the seinfeld-scripts repo, or you can download a prebuilt copy with the following command:
$ wget
First thing is to import libseinfeld and create a connection to the local database:
>>> from seinfeld import Seinfeld >>> seinfeld = Seinfeld(<path to seinfeld.db>)
To get information on individual episodes or seasons:
>>> seinfeld.season(1).episodes.keys() [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> seinfeld.season(1).episodes[1].title u'Good News, Bad News' >>> seinfeld.season(1).episodes[1].writers[0] u'Jerry Seinfeld' >>> seinfeld.season(1).episodes[1].date, 6, 14)
Quotes can be retrieved by unique ID:
>>> quote = seinfeld.quote(34665) >>> quote.text u'The show is about nothing.' >>> u'George' >>> quote.episode.title u'The Pitch'
Searching for quotes is simple:
>>>'Jerry', subject='keys') [Quote(...), ...]
Searches are limited to ten quotes by default, but you can get more or less. To get all the quotes, in order, for a given episode:
>>> episode = seinfeld.season(1).episodes[1] >>> quotes =, limit=None) >>> len(quotes) 209
You can even get random quotes by search query:
>>> seinfeld.random(speaker='George') Quote(...)
If you'd like context around an individual quote, you can get a passage:
>>> passage = seinfeld.passage(quote) >>> len(passage.quotes) 5
Copyright 2022 Amethyst Reese, and licensed under the MIT license.
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