Scope: A platform where user can browse different projects that others build and back the project. Users can also start a project and seek supports.
MongoDB, Expressjs, React, Nodejs
> MERN is a fullstack implementation in MongoDB, Expressjs, React, Nodejs.MERN stack is the idea of using Javascript/Node for fullstack web development.
- MERN stack
- AWS SES(simple email service)
- Stripe payment API
As a general User:
- User can log in and signup for an account via normal way
- User will receive welcome email when sign up
- User can see featured project on the landing page
- User can click the project and be direct to a project detail page and see more information about the project
- User can back the project by choosing the amount they would like to pay via stripe
- User can see the project they create and back in their dashboard
As a project starter:
- User can start a project by fill in project details such as the name of the project, location, verifying personal identity, set up a bank account, project details, and photos
- User will receive payment from supporters and start the project. User will deliver the project by either shipping to supporters or achieve the project
- User login/Signup Auth with JWT token
- Project CRUD
- Plam CRUD
- Email welcome email to new signup user
- User Payment with stripe
Landing Page
User DashBoard
Project Detail Page