##Project - WW
Extention of Web Worker. It enables you :
_ to write your web worker code wherever you want ! ( just a TaskWorker Object able to convert itself to Blob Url);
_ avoid managing with odd Web Worker syntax. (arguments are sent and received in the same order)
_ reduce sources of errors.
_ manage your worker behaviour with Listeners (as many as you want).
_ think like you're only used to think !!
##Demo :
##Usage :
###Create a WW.WorkerTask :
var myTask = new WW.WorkerTask();
Add whatever function to your WorkerTask with function :
Don't miss the Reply function call in order to send your worker response to the client.
myTask.addListener('worker_listener_name', function( /* eventually args */){
/* your worker task code executed by the web worker */
Reply('client_listener_name', /* eventually args */);
######Exemple :
myTask.addListener('bonjour', function(o){
Reply('print', "Bonjour "+o);
######If you need an external script in your worker context :
###Then create a WW.Worker :
var myWorker = new WW.Worker(myTask.toBlob(), /*Default Listener : Optionnal , OnError Function : Optionnal*/);
And now add your Listener called from your WW.WorkerTask Listener ( cf : Reply):
######Exemple :
########Note : that you receive results in the same order you sent them.
myWorker.addListener('print', function (pResult) {
That's All, By now you can reach whatever Listener you've added before by calling the method Query on you WW.Worker Object.
######Exemple :
myWorker.Query("bonjour", "Friends");
###Transferable Objects :
With WW, there's no major difference between ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView or any other variable. Juste put it in argument !
In your WorkerTask Listener :
var ab = pArg;
Reply('print', ab);
at Last you can Query your worker as usual like this :
myWorker.Query("native_example", my_native_array);
######Note : that you receive results in the same order you sent them.
Performance doesn't seems to be tremendously affected by my work since i use WW in my WebGL video game. For some details, check the three examples in the bundle.