Official PyTorch code release for ResBaGAN, introduced in:
Á. G. Dieste, F. Argüello and D. B. Heras, "ResBaGAN: A Residual Balancing GAN with Data Augmentation for Forest Mapping," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3281892. Available at:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact at: [email protected]
The Residual Balancing Generative Adversarial Network (ResBaGAN) is a novel method for remote sensing image classification, which specifically addresses two significant challenges in this field for attaining high levels of accuracy: limited labeled data and class imbalances. ResBaGAN achieves this by constructing a sophisticated data augmentation framework on top of the powerful Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture.
For a comprehensive understanding of ResBaGAN's capabilities, we strongly recommend reading the related research paper. A brief overview, as given in the abstract, is provided below:
Although deep learning techniques are known to achieve outstanding classification accuracies, remote sensing datasets often present limited labeled data and class imbalances, two challenges to attaining high levels of accuracy. In recent years, the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture has achieved great success as a data augmentation method, driving research toward further enhancements. This work presents the Residual Balancing Generative Adversarial Network (ResBaGAN), a GAN-based method for the classification of remote sensing images, designed to overcome the challenges of data scarcity and class imbalances by constructing an advanced data augmentation framework. This framework builds upon a GAN architecture enhanced with an autoencoder initialization and class balancing properties, a superpixel-based sample extraction procedure with traditional augmentation techniques, and an improved residual network as classifier. Experiments were conducted on large, very high-resolution multispectral images of riparian forests in Galicia, Spain, with limited training data and strong class imbalances, comparing ResBaGAN to other machine learning methods such as simpler GANs. ResBaGAN achieved higher overall classification accuracies, particularly improving the accuracy of minority classes with F1-score enhancements reaching up to 22%.
Figure 1: Neural network architecture of ResBaGAN.
For the sake of simplicity and reproducibility, this project integrates all code into a Docker image. Therefore, your development environment will need to support:
- Docker.
- NVIDIA Container Toolkit (optional, but strongly recommended for CUDA acceleration).
For convenience, the code is locally stored and is provided to the Docker container through a volume mapping. Therefore, you need to download or clone this repository:
git clone
You can build the Docker image locally by running the script dockerfiles/
cd dockerfiles/
Please be aware that the resulting image is large (~14.2 GB), so it will take some time to download all the required dependencies.
Data availability statement: Restrictions apply to the availability of the data used in this work. The datasets are property of Babcock International and have been used with permission.
As the datasets used in the paper are not publicly available, we provide a modified version of the public Pavia University dataset. Please note that ResBaGAN has not been tuned for the characteristics of this dataset, and so the performace demonstrated by running this code is not representative of the results reported in the paper. Nonetheless, it provides a useful way to test the code.
In particular, the Pavia University dataset has been modified to mirror the characteristics of the datasets used in the paper:
- Only five out of the 103 bands have been kept. Specifically, the ones most close to 475 nm (blue), 560 nm (green), 668 nm (red), 717 nm (red edge), and 842 nm (near-infrared).
- The spatial size has been increased by x13.0, to simulate the use of a very high-resolution sensor with a spatial resolution of 10 cm/pixel.
You can find the modified dataset at the link in datasets/pavia_university/
. Please download all files and
place them in the datasets/pavia_university
: the multispectral data.ground_truth.raw
: the ground truth.segmentation.raw
: the waterpixels segmentation.
The code in this repository is designed to work with a custom RAW format. For more information, refer to
. The code also assumes that the segmentation has been precomputed and stored in
the segmentation.raw
file. You can find an extensive list of implementations of segmentation algorithms at, including Waterpixels, the algorithm used in this study.
Before launching the container, you will need to adjust the contents of the provided convenience script
to suit your system configuration. In particular, you will need to:
- Update the volume mapping to make the project available to the container:
-v /home/alvaro.goldar/ResBaGAN:/opt/ResBaGAN \
-v /full/path/to/project:/opt/ResBaGAN \
- Adjust the port mapping if you intend to use the TensorBoard visualization tool.
- Reduce the shared memory size if you are running the container on a system with limited resources. This will require adjusting the number of PyTorch workers accordingly.
Feel free to change any other parameters as needed. You can now launch the container and attach a bash terminal to it by running:
./ bash
Three different operations are available:
: reads and prepares a given dataset for the next operations.run_network
: trains a specific model on a preprocessed dataset and evaluates its classification performance.test_synthesis
: evaluates the synthesis performance of a trained GAN model.
For convenience, the container integrates the Guild AI tool, which helps track experiments, compare results, and automate runs. To learn more about the many features of Guild AI, such as batch files and others, please refer to its official documentation.
Guild AI automatically parses available arguments and uses their default values unless otherwise specified:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild run preprocess_dataset
You are about to run preprocess_dataset
dataset: pavia_university
segment: 1
train_ratio: 0.15
val_ratio: 0.05
Continue? (Y/n) n
You can change any parameter by appending its new value:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild run preprocess_dataset train_ratio=0.25
You are about to run preprocess_dataset
dataset: pavia_university
segment: 1
train_ratio: 0.25
val_ratio: 0.05
Continue? (Y/n) n
To preprocess the modified Pavia University dataset that we downloaded earlier, with the same training/validation/test split as in the paper, use:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild run preprocess_dataset
You are about to run preprocess_dataset
dataset: pavia_university
segment: 1
train_ratio: 0.15
val_ratio: 0.05
Continue? (Y/n) y
Resolving file:datasets/
[*] Arguments: {'dataset': 'pavia_university', 'segment': 1, 'train_ratio': 0.15, 'val_ratio': 0.05}
[*] Loading dataset pavia_university from disk
pavia_university dataset is in RAW format
[*] Recording available classes
[*] Starting preprocessing
[*] Segmenting dataset into superpixels
INFO: [cppimport.checksum] Failed to find compiled extension; rebuilding.
[*] Reading segmentation map from disk
[*] Scaling dataset to [-1, 1]
[*] Splitting dataset into train, validation, and test sets: ratios (0.15, 0.05)
[*] Total samples: 25482
[*] Recording samples for class asphalt (4670 items)
[*] Recording samples for class meadows (8946 items)
[*] Recording samples for class gravel (1319 items)
[*] Recording samples for class trees (2887 items)
[*] Recording samples for class painted_metal_sheets (932 items)
[*] Recording samples for class bare_soil (2419 items)
[*] Recording samples for class bitumen (734 items)
[*] Recording samples for class self_blocking_bricks (2756 items)
[*] Recording samples for class shadows (819 items)
[time] Loading and preprocessing: 4.216188178048469 s
[*] HyperDataset summary:
Name: pavia_university
Shape: (height) 7930, (width) 4420, (bands) 5
Classes: ['asphalt', 'meadows', 'gravel', 'trees', 'painted_metal_sheets', 'bare_soil', 'bitumen', 'self_blocking_bricks', 'shadows']
Classes count: 9
Segmented: True
Superpixels count: 99362
Patch size: 32
Ratios: (train) 0.15, (val) 0.05
Samples count: (train) 3817, (val) 1275, (test) 20390
[*] Storing the preprocessed dataset on disk
[*] Done!
After preprocessing the dataset, we can train a network on it. For instance, let's train ResBaGAN:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild run run_network
You are about to run run_network
activation: lrelu
batch_size: 32
data_augmentation: 1
dataset_path: preprocessed/hyperdataset
epochs: 600
latent_size: 128
learning_rate: 0.001
network: ResBaGAN
num_workers: 4
p_dropout: 0.05
preprocess_dataset: 390216796a274471a77323157062e585
weight_init: xavier
Continue? (Y/n) y
Resolving preprocess_dataset
Using run 390216796a274471a77323157062e585 for preprocess_dataset resource
[*] Arguments: {'dataset_path': 'preprocessed/hyperdataset', 'data_augmentation': 1, 'network': 'ResBaGAN', 'latent_size': 128, 'activation': 'lrelu', 'p_dropout': 0.05, 'weight_init': 'xavier', 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'epochs': 600, 'batch_size': 32, 'num_workers': 4, 'device': 'cuda:0'}
[*] HyperDataset summary:
Name: pavia_university
Shape: (height) 7930, (width) 4420, (bands) 5
Classes: ['asphalt', 'meadows', 'gravel', 'trees', 'painted_metal_sheets', 'bare_soil', 'bitumen', 'self_blocking_bricks', 'shadows']
Classes count: 9
Segmented: True
Superpixels count: 99362
Patch size: 32
Ratios: (train) 0.15, (val) 0.05
Samples count: (train) 3817, (val) 1275, (test) 20390
[*] Training the autoencoder...: 0%| | 0/600 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[*] Training epoch: 1/600:
Mean loss: 0.05576995237885664
[*] Training of the autoencoder finished!
[*] Training the networks...: 0%| | 0/600 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[*] Training epoch: 1/600:
Discriminator's mean loss (average): 2.0705037901798886
Discriminator's mean loss (real images): 1.582329705854257
Discriminator's mean loss (fake images): 0.4881740894168615
Generators's mean loss: 4.494466733932495
Validation accuracy: 72.47058823529412 %
[*] Training finished!
[time] Training: 3760.6708436550107 s
[*] Computing pixel-level accuracies...
[*] Testing the network...
[acc] Overall Accuracy (OA): 92.79583220032083 %
[acc] Average Accuracy (AA): 93.11438384387698 %
[acc] Cohen's Kappa (k): 89.46302601571749 %
[acc] Confusion matrix:
asphalt meadows gravel trees painted_metal_sheets bare_soil bitumen self_blocking_bricks shadows fake
asphalt 681992 0 2468 7 0 0 28965 9478 0 0
meadows 129 2823659 648 9863 0 130077 0 0 0 0
gravel 4740 0 190304 0 0 0 420 48036 0 0
trees 8 7989 0 213912 28 0 0 0 3 0
painted_metal_sheets 0 0 0 0 163992 0 0 0 227 0
bare_soil 1286 144662 0 1063 1101 660969 0 2501 0 0
bitumen 7977 0 497 0 0 0 172520 27 0 0
self_blocking_bricks 1269 0 6480 0 10 0 0 304770 0 0
shadows 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 4 70552 0
fake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[time] Testing (pixel-level accuracies): 139.57294777303468 s
The model's accuracy is automatically measured at the end of the training, reporting the Overall Accuracy (OA), Average Accuracy (AA), Cohen's Kappa, and the confusion matrix.
The table below shows all the tested models in the paper, their corresponding accuracies, and the appropriate command to run them. Keep in mind that the accuracies obtained when running this code on the modified Pavia University dataset may differ significantly.
Model | Average OA | Average AA | Average Kappa | Command |
CNN | 92.17 | 73.83 | 86.47 | guild run run_network network=CNN2D data_augmentation=0 |
Improved ResNet | 94.61 | 83.00 | 90.86 | guild run run_network network=CNN2D_Residual data_augmentation=0 |
ACGAN | 88.92 | 77.14 | 81.98 | guild run run_network network=ACGAN data_augmentation=0 |
BAGAN | 94.13 | 80.67 | 89.96 | guild run run_network network=BAGAN data_augmentation=0 |
ResBaGAN | 95.59 | 88.30 | 92.53 | guild run run_network network=ResBaGAN |
Let's also train the Improved ResNet:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild run run_network network=CNN2D_Residual data_augmentation=0
You are about to run run_network
activation: lrelu
batch_size: 32
data_augmentation: 0
dataset_path: preprocessed/hyperdataset
epochs: 600
latent_size: 128
learning_rate: 0.001
network: CNN2D_Residual
num_workers: 4
p_dropout: 0.05
preprocess_dataset: 390216796a274471a77323157062e585
weight_init: xavier
Continue? (Y/n) y
Resolving preprocess_dataset
Using run 390216796a274471a77323157062e585 for preprocess_dataset resource
[*] Arguments: {'dataset_path': 'preprocessed/hyperdataset', 'data_augmentation': 0, 'network': 'CNN2D_Residual', 'latent_size': 128, 'activation': 'lrelu', 'p_dropout': 0.05, 'weight_init': 'xavier', 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'epochs': 600, 'batch_size': 32, 'num_workers': 4, 'device': 'cuda:0'}
[*] Training finished!
[time] Training: 1007.9784623520682 s
[*] Computing pixel-level accuracies...
[*] Testing the network...
[acc] Overall Accuracy (OA): 93.44198308456242 %
[acc] Average Accuracy (AA): 92.12038102554023 %
[acc] Cohen's Kappa (k): 90.2397985434779 %
[acc] Confusion matrix:
asphalt meadows gravel trees painted_metal_sheets bare_soil bitumen self_blocking_bricks shadows fake
asphalt 684604 7 9578 50 0 32 14326 14313 0 0
meadows 10 2927249 381 845 0 35891 0 0 0 0
gravel 1482 0 202191 0 0 0 0 39827 0 0
trees 10 17241 0 204638 0 51 0 0 0 0
painted_metal_sheets 0 0 27 0 164190 0 0 0 2 0
bare_soil 0 202875 0 773 0 605961 0 1973 0 0
bitumen 11980 0 114 0 0 0 167882 1045 0 0
self_blocking_bricks 196 6 19813 41 0 49 0 292424 0 0
shadows 295 0 0 95 0 2 0 4 70315 0
fake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[time] Testing (pixel-level accuracies): 135.44658876303583 s
Guild AI records several metrics across all experiments, which can be then conveniently compared inside the terminal:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild compare
(1,1) run 75672e0e
run operation started time status label activation batch_size data_augmen… dataset_path epochs latent_size learning_ra… network num_workers p_dropout preprocess_dataset weight_init step aa kappa oa standalone_… val_acc dis_avg-loss d…
75672e0e run_network 2023-06-05 09:46:17 0:19:10 completed activation=lrelu ba… lrelu 32 0 preprocessed/hyperd… 600 128 0.001 CNN2D_Residual 4 0.05 390216796a274471a77… xavier 600 92.120384 90.239799 93.441986 0.006770 91.764709
4286c08a run_network 2023-06-05 08:33:19 1:05:08 completed activation=lrelu ba… lrelu 32 1 preprocessed/hyperd… 600 128 0.001 ResBaGAN 4 0.05 390216796a274471a77… xavier 600 93.114387 89.463027 92.795829 8.423376e-05 91.137252 0.270148 0…
39021679 preprocess_dataset 2023-06-05 08:32:11 0:00:05 completed dataset=pavia_unive…
TensorBoard is a powerful tool for visualizing the training process of neural networks. It is included in the Docker image, and Guild AI allows an effortless integration by just running:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild tensorboard -p 6006
Preparing runs for TensorBoard
Running TensorBoard 2.8.0 at http://cf04d7bcd5e7:6006 (Type Ctrl+C to quit)
You can now access the TensorBoard web UI by opening http://localhost:6006
in your browser.
In TensorBoard, you can further examine the model performance, visualize the evolution of training metrics, and even render the samples generated by GAN models. Below are some screenshots of the TensorBoard web UI. To learn more about its many features, please refer to its official documentation.
Figure 2: Hyperparameter Tuning using the HParams Dashboard in TensorBoard.
Figure 3: Evolution of the synthetic samples generated by ResBaGAN during its first epochs, visualized in
To compute the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) score of the previously trained ResBaGAN, you will also need the trained Improved ResNet to act as judge.
First, obtain the IDs of the experiments by running:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild runs
[1:75672e0e] run_network 2023-06-05 09:46:17 completed activation=lrelu batch_size=32 data_augmentation=0 dataset_path=preprocessed/hyperdataset epochs=600 latent_size=128 learning_rate=0.001 network=CNN2D_Residual num_workers=4 p_dropout=0.05 preprocess_dataset=390
[2:4286c08a] run_network 2023-06-05 08:33:19 completed activation=lrelu batch_size=32 data_augmentation=1 dataset_path=preprocessed/hyperdataset epochs=600 latent_size=128 learning_rate=0.001 network=ResBaGAN num_workers=4 p_dropout=0.05 preprocess_dataset=390216796
[3:39021679] preprocess_dataset 2023-06-05 08:32:11 completed dataset=pavia_university segment=1 train_ratio=0.15 val_ratio=0.05
Next, locate the trained Improved ResNet model in the .guildai/runs/75672e0e.../logs
directory and copy it to the
root of the project. Now, you can calculate the FID score against the run_network
operation of the ResBaGAN model
with this command:
root@cf04d7bcd5e7:/opt/ResBaGAN# guild run test_synthesis run_network=4286c08a
Refreshing flags...
You are about to run test_synthesis
batch_size: 32
model_path: logs/
network: ResBaGAN
num_workers: 4
run_network: 4286c08ab1f14d43aee7fe340ab27dbb
Continue? (Y/n) y
Resolving run_network
Using run 4286c08ab1f14d43aee7fe340ab27dbb for run_network resource
[*] Arguments: {'dataset_path': 'preprocessed/hyperdataset', 'data_augmentation': 0, 'network': 'ResBaGAN', 'latent_size': 128, 'activation': 'lrelu', 'p_dropout': 0.05, 'weight_init': 'xavier', 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'epochs': 600, 'batch_size': 32, 'num_workers': 4, 'device': 'cuda:0', 'model_path': 'logs/', 'reference_model_path': ''}
[*] Computing FID score for [C0] asphalt
4670 samples gathered
FID score: 524.7460410005529
[*] Computing FID score for [C1] meadows
8946 samples gathered
FID score: 1203.1810880620724
[*] Computing FID score for [C2] gravel
1319 samples gathered
FID score: 609.5813959573154
[*] Computing FID score for [C3] trees
2887 samples gathered
FID score: 1087.7824126219948
[*] Computing FID score for [C4] painted_metal_sheets
932 samples gathered
FID score: 473.9585932374859
[*] Computing FID score for [C5] bare_soil
2419 samples gathered
FID score: 1134.7791612940628
[*] Computing FID score for [C6] bitumen
734 samples gathered
FID score: 485.49831912077207
[*] Computing FID score for [C7] self_blocking_bricks
2756 samples gathered
FID score: 640.6822166172934
[*] Computing FID score for [C8] shadows
819 samples gathered
FID score: 303.8618414764222
This project uses the following key technologies:
- Python - The primary language for deep learning as of 2023.
- PyTorch - Used for all deep learning machinery.
- Guild AI - Assists in experiment management.
- mseitzer/pytorch-fid - To compute the FID metric for GANs.
- Docker - Enables a reproducible development environment.
- cppimport - To use C++ code from Python.
This software also relies on many other invaluable libraries including: numpy, pandas, pybind11, scikit-learn, scipy, torchsummary, torchvision, tqdm.
Álvaro G. Dieste:
- Corresponding author of the paper, developer of the code, and maintainer of this repository.
- Email - GitHub - Google Scholar - LinkedIn - ORCID.
Francisco Argüello:
- Co-author of the paper.
- Email - Google Scholar - ORCID.
Dora B. Heras:
- Co-author of the paper.
- Email - Google Scholar - LinkedIn - ORCID.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you find this work useful, please consider citing it:
author={Dieste, Álvaro G. and Argüello, Francisco and Heras, Dora B.},
journal={IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing},
title={ResBaGAN: A Residual Balancing GAN with Data Augmentation for Forest Mapping},