This repository is now archived due to a lack of time to maintain and update it.
If you're interested in taking over the project, I’m happy to offer limited assistance to help you get started. Please feel free to reach out!
Thank you for your interest and contributions. Best wishes!
Cursor theme using a custom color palette inspired by boreal colors.
To use the installer, clone the repository and go inside it.
git clone
cd Borealis-cursors
Then, run the installer script. For local installation, use
And for system wide installation use:
sudo ./
Alternatively, you can use the tar.gz files located in the archive folder or in the release section and extract them to the adequate directory.
For local installation:
tar -zxvf Borealis-cursors.tar.gz -C $HOME/.icons/
For system-wide installation:
tar -zxvf Borealis-cursors.tar.gz -C /usr/share/icons/
There are various way to set this (or another) cursor theme.
You will find all the needed informations on this ArchWiki
If you installed it locally, run this command in your terminal:
rm -r $HOME/.icons/Borealis-cursors*
And if you installed it system-wide use:
sudo rm -r /usr/share/icons/Borealis-cursors*
To install the cursor theme on windows:
- Download ""
- Extract the .zip file
- In the folder, right click on the file "install.inf" and in the option choose "install"
If you have any issues, report them here, I will be happy to help you!
GNU General Public Licence v3.0.