Dissolution of Parliament
- #568 - Warn about dissolution of Parliament
- #571 - Introduce Parliament model to control when warnings are shown
- #572 - Allow a link for more info about the dissolution in the warning
We haven't tagged for a while this release also contains all the things we've released recently, but not tagged:
- #549 - Ignore socket errors in jobs to avoid temporary network glitches alerting us
- #553 - Upgrade to newer AppSignal
- #554 - Add all petitions view
- #557 - Update terms & conditions
- #555 - Add JSON and CSV endpoints for local petitions
- #558 & #559 - Improve unsubscribe wording
- #563 & #565 - Improve testing infrastructure
- #562 & #566 - Use new registers API
- #564 - Clarify closing at time
- #567 & #569 - Improve pagination