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Add admin page for emailing petitioners
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pixeltrix committed Aug 7, 2015
1 parent a76d28c commit f716fce
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Showing 9 changed files with 391 additions and 0 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions app/controllers/admin/petition_emails_controller.rb
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class Admin::PetitionEmailsController < Admin::AdminController
respond_to :html
before_action :fetch_petition
before_action :build_email

def new
render 'admin/petitions/show'

def create
if @email.update(email_params)
EmailPetitionersJob.run_later_tonight(petition: @petition, email: @email)
PetitionMailer.email_signer(@petition, feedback_signature, @email).deliver_now

redirect_to [:admin, @petition], notice: 'Email will be sent overnight'
render 'admin/petitions/show'


def fetch_petition
@petition = Petition.moderated.find(params[:petition_id])

def build_email
@email = current_user.pretty_name)

def email_params
params.require(:petition_email).permit(:subject, :body)

def feedback_signature
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<%= link_to 'Email petitioners', new_admin_petition_email_path(@petition), class: 'petition-action-heading' %>
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<h2 class="petition-action-heading">Email petitioners</h2>
<%= form_for @email, url: admin_petition_emails_path(petition), method: :post do |f| -%>
<%= form_row :for => [f.object, :subject] do %>
<%= f.label :subject, 'Subject', class: 'form-label' %>
<%= error_messages_for_field f.object, :subject %>
<%= f.text_area :subject, rows: 2, cols: 70, tabindex: increment, data: { max_length: 100 }, class: 'form-control' %>
<p class="character-count">100 characters max</p>
<% end %>

<%= form_row :for => [f.object, :body] do %>
<%= f.label :body, 'Body', class: 'form-label' %>
<%= error_messages_for_field f.object, :body %>
<%= f.text_area :body, rows: 8, cols: 70, tabindex: increment, data: { max_length: 5000 }, class: 'form-control' %>
<p class="character-count">5000 characters max</p>
<% end %>

<%= email_signatures_with_count_submit_button(f, petition) %>
<% end -%>

<%= javascript_include_tag 'character-counter' %>
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions app/views/admin/petitions/_petition_actions.html.erb
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<% end %>

<li class="petition-action">
<%= render 'petition_action_email_petitioners', petition: @petition %>

<% if current_user.can_take_petitions_down? && @petition.can_be_signed? %>
<li class="petition-action">
<%= render 'petition_action_take_down', petition: @petition %>
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions config/routes.rb
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resources :admin_users
resources :petitions, :only => [:show, :index] do
resource 'debate-outcome', only: [:show, :update], as: :debate_outcome, controller: :debate_outcomes
resources :emails, only: [:new, :create], controller: :petition_emails
resource :petition_details, :only => [:show, :update]
resource :moderation, :only => [:update], controller: :moderation
resource :notes, :only => [:show, :update]
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions features/admin/petition_email.feature
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Feature: Emailing petitioner supporters
In order to keep petition supporters up-to-date on their petition
As an admin user
I want to send an email to all petition supporters

Scenario: Sending an email to all petitioners
Given an open petition "Ban Badger Baiting" with some signatures
And I am logged in as a sysadmin with the email "[email protected]", first_name "Admin", last_name "User"
When I am on the admin all petitions page
And I follow "Ban Badger Baiting"
And I follow "Email petitioners"
Then I should be on the admin email petitioners form page for "Ban Badger Baiting"
And the markup should be valid
When I press "Email 6 signatures"
Then the petition should not have any emails
And I should see an error
When I fill in the email details
And press "Email 6 signatures"
Then the petition should have the email details I provided
And the petition creator should have been emailed with the update
And all the signatories of the petition should have been emailed with the update
And the feedback email address should have been emailed a copy
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions features/step_definitions/petition_email_steps.rb
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When(/^I fill in the email details$/) do
fill_in "Subject", :with => "Petition email subject"
fill_in "Body", :with => "Petition email body"

Then(/^the petition should not have any emails$/) do
expect(@petition.emails).to be_empty

Then(/^the petition should have the email details I provided$/) do
@email = @petition.emails.last
expect(@email.subject).to eq("Petition email subject")
expect(@email.body).to match(%r[Petition email body])
expect(@email.sent_by).to eq("Admin User")

Then(/^the petition creator should have been emailed with the update$/) do
steps %Q(
Then "#{}" should receive an email
When they open the email
Then they should see "Petition email body" in the email body
When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email
Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}"

Then(/^all the signatories of the petition should have been emailed with the update$/) do
@petition.signatures.notify_by_email.validated.where.not(id: do |signatory|
steps %Q(
Then "#{}" should receive an email
When they open the email
Then they should see "Petition email body" in the email body
When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email
Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}"

Then(/^the feedback email address should have been emailed a copy$/) do
signatory =
steps %Q(
Then "#{}" should receive an email
When they open the email
Then they should see "Petition email body" in the email body
When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email
Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions features/support/paths.rb
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Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ def admin_url(admin_page)
when /^debate outcomes form page for "([^\"]*)"$/
admin_petition_debate_outcome_url(Petition.find_by(action: $1))

when /^email petitioners form page for "([^\"]*)"$/
new_admin_petition_email_url(Petition.find_by(action: $1))

when /^government response page for "([^\"]*)"$/
admin_petition_government_response_url(Petition.find_by(action: $1))

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