RabbitMQ is a message queue system. (Similar message queue systems: Azure Queue Storage / Azure Service Bus / Kafka ) It transmits the messages it receives from one source to another source when and where appropriate.
It provides a better user experience by easing the workload of the application in processes with long Request-Response times.
It provides asynchronous communication in microservice architectures.
What is RabbitMQ? How does RabbitMQ work?
Why should we use RabbitMQ?
How to install RabbitMQ as container?
How to install RabbitMQ in cloud environment?
What are the RabbitMQ Exchange types?
What is Fanout Exchange? How to use ?
What is Direct Exchange? How to use ?
What is Topic Exchange? How to use ?
What is Header Exchange? How to use ?
How to move complex types in message body?
How to make Exchange, Queue and Messages permanent?
What is WorkerService?
How to work with Worker Services?
What is Background Service? how to work
Resources I used while learning RabbitMQ