This is an Elixir-based SDK for Based on the TheRealReal/prismic-elixir, but forked to add support for the Prismic v2 API.
Note: This is currently not intended to be used outside All Aboard.
Mostly based on and
- The primary authors of this library are:
- Coburn Berry (coburncoburn)
- Cache
- Predicates
- David Wu (sudostack)
- Fragments
- Parser
def deps do
{:prismic, git: "", branch: "main"}
set repo url in your project's config
config :prismic,
repo_url: ""
The default HTTP Client is Poison. It is possible to use any http client that implements the Prismic.HTTPClient behaviour .
Then, set the HTTPClient Module in config or within
Application.put_env(:prismic, :http_client_module, MyApp.HTTPClient)
The default Cache is an Agent . It is possible to use any cache that implements the Prismic.Cache behaviour .
Then, set the Cache Module in config or within
Application.put_env(:prismic, :cache_module, MyApp.Cache)
Only the first leg of the request ( api entrypoint ) is cached. Actual document queries are not cached. It is probably better to just cache calls to the library itself rather than worrying about caching in the library.