This is a POC of on .Net Core deployed on Docker.
The goals of this POC are as follows:
- Determine viability of modeling a financial servicing domain using actors to hold state instead of using a database.
- Determine the viability of using Akka.Net in a production-like environment.
- Identify challenges of using Event Sourcing to model state transitions.
Once started, I also wanted to find an appropriate way to manage business rules. See for details.
Here is the list of pending TODOs
Default config assumes you will be running the container mapped to /demo (on Mac or Linux).
mkdir /demo && chmod a+rw /demo
If running on Windows, update the config file Loaner/Configuration/HOCONConfiguration.hocon to reflect where you want to map to file system.
Copy the following files into /demo dir.
- Loaner/BoundedContexts/MaintenanceBilling/BusinessRules/BusinessRulesMap.txt
- Loaner/BoundedContexts/MaintenanceBilling/BusinessRules/CommandToBusinessRuleMap.txt
- Loaner/tools/
- Loaner/tools/
Create an 'Obligations' directory in /demo
mkdir /demo/Obligations
And use the perl script to generate new test accounts (120k in one portfolio, 10k in the other) 130000 120000
In the project root directory (Demo) run the following script (which builds the container and runs it)
Once the container is running, run
in the /demo directory to start loading the sample accounts.
You can use Postman (available in the Tests directory) to kick off the loading of accounts as well as to kick off a billing.
docker run -d --name=grafana --restart=always -p 3000:3000 -e "GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=http://localhost" -e "GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret" grafana/grafana
docker run -d --name=graphite --restart=always -p 80:80 -p 2003-2004:2003-2004 -p 2023-2024:2023-2024 -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 hopsoft/graphite-statsd
or just run:
POST to this endpoint: http://localhost/api/system/simulation
Here is the model (note the path is relative to the source directory ‘Loaner’):
"ClientName": "Greentree",
"ClientAccountsFilePath": "./SampleData/Greentree.txt",
Simply open (GET) the root url: http://localhost
You will see the following:
Method | URL |
GET | /api/account/{actorName} |
GET | /api/account/{actorName}/info |
GET | /api/account/{actorName}/assessment |
POST | /api/account/{actorName}/assessment |
GET | / |
GET | /api/portfolio/{portfolioName} |
GET | /api/portfolio/{portfolioName}/run |
POST | /api/portfolio/{portfolioName}/assessment |
GET | /api/system |
GET | /api/system/run |
GET | /api/system/businessrules |
POST | /api/system/businessrules |
POST | /api/system/billall |
GET | /api/system/BillingStatus |
POST | /api/system/simulation |
GET the following endpoint: http://localhost/api/system/run
This is also how you can get the list of all portfolios, the model looks like this:
"message": "5 portfolios started.",
"portfolios": {
"portfolioUPD": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD#983089506]",
"portfolioACE": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioACE#220375013]",
"portfolioMGO": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioMGO#1590969739]",
"portfolioDHY": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioDHY#1239442796]",
"portfolioISR": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioISR#1050964355]"
GET this endpoint: http://localhost/api/portfolio/PortfolioUPD/
This is what you’ll see ( I think I limit to 10,000):
"message": "18 accounts. I was last booted up on: 1/8/2018 8:13:48 PM",
"accounts": {
"55531527681": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/55531527681#1089436280]",
"86193236762": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/86193236762#665658973]",
"27365457578": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/27365457578#1659917487]",
"21733172322": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/21733172322#1266566271]",
"74586121145": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/74586121145#1151499661]",
"79677466751": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/79677466751#506411013]",
"98917429792": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/98917429792#1372229082]",
"55765352539": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/55765352539#1971395320]",
"81914734116": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/81914734116#1111536982]",
"86386157956": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/86386157956#1957069331]",
"58331699252": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/58331699252#880605936]",
"11692231568": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/11692231568#216994696]",
"58138366935": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/58138366935#1250894360]",
"76751575336": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/76751575336#481362170]",
"51947728595": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/51947728595#2020103961]",
"61562384728": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/61562384728#696398680]",
"15394947113": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/15394947113#24798788]",
"98247821733": "[akka://demoSystem/user/demoSupervisor/PortfolioUPD/98247821733#486265728]"
GET to this endpint: http://localhost/api/system/businessrules
Parameters are key/value pairs. If the rule has parameters, they are listed with the key name and they datatype/description of accetable values to set. :
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "AccountBalanceMustNotBeNegative",
"parameters": {},
"description": "Fail creating the billing if the account balance is negative."
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "AnObligationMustBeActiveForBilling",
"parameters": {},
"description": "Fail creating the billing if the account doesn't have an active obligation."
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "AssessTaxAsPercentageOfDuesDuringBilling",
"parameters": {
"taxPercentageRate": "[Double]"
"description": "Assess a tax concept to billing based on the amount of Dues."
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "ApplyUacAfterBilling",
"parameters": {
"minimumAmount": "[Double]",
"maxAmount": "[Double]"
"description": "If there is Unapplied Cash (i.e account balance is negative), apply it immediately after billing. A minimum or maximum can be set. Use 0 for no minimum and 999999 for no maximum. "
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "BillingConceptCannotBeBilledMoreThanOnce",
"parameters": {},
"description": "Fail creating the billing if the account has been assessed a billing for the same concept."
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "ClientSpecificRuleForCalculatingTax",
"parameters": {
"excludedStates": "[StateAbbreviation/OnePerState]",
"californiaTaxPercentageRate": "[Double]"
"description": "Client specific rule for Client ThousandTrails. Some states do not get assessed tax; others do, rates vary. Here maybe i reference a URL where more details are available about this rule."
POST to the following endpoint: http://localhost/api/system/businessrules
Note that parameters mus tbe provided as single string, like so: "MinimumAmount=1.00,MaxAmount=999999".
Use "NoParameters" if there are none.
"client": "ClientGreentree",
"portfolio": "PortfolioUPD",
"accountNumber": "*",
"forAllAccounts": true,
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "AnObligationMustBeActiveForBilling",
"businessRuleParameters": "NoParameters"
"client": "ClientGreentree",
"portfolio": "PortfolioUPD",
"accountNumber": "*",
"forAllAccounts": true,
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "AccountBalanceMustNotBeNegative",
"businessRuleParameters": "NoParameters"
"client": "ClientGreentree",
"portfolio": "PortfolioISR",
"accountNumber": "*",
"forAllAccounts": true,
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "AssessTaxAsPercentageOfDuesDuringBilling",
"businessRuleParameters": "TaxPercentageRate=8.9"
"client": "ClientGreentree",
"portfolio": "PortfolioMGO",
"accountNumber": "*",
"forAllAccounts": true,
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "ApplyUacAfterBilling",
"businessRuleParameters": "MinimumAmount=1.00,MaxAmount=999999"
"client": "ClientGreentree",
"portfolio": "PortfolioMGO",
"accountNumber": "*",
"forAllAccounts": true,
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "ClientSpecificRuleForCalculatingTax",
"businessRuleParameters": "ExcludedStates=AZ,CaliforniaTaxPercentageRate=9.9"
"client": "ClientGreentree",
"portfolio": "PortfolioISR",
"accountNumber": "*",
"forAllAccounts": true,
"command": "BillingAssessment",
"businessRule": "BillingConceptCannotBeBilledMoreThanOnce",
"businessRuleParameters": "NoParameters"
Be aware that I’m just taking what you post and removing any previous rule associations. It’s very basic at the moment.
POST to the following endpoint: http://localhost/api/portfolio/PortfolioACE/assessment Using the following model (you can bill one or more ‘items’, currently these are all possible types):
"item": {
"name": "Tax",
"amount": 10
"item": {
"name": "Dues",
"amount": 100
"item": {
"name": "Reserve",
"amount": 25