A reverse proxy for Redis Enteprise Cloud Prometheus cluster endpoint that substitute ID to name.
The names are looked up in Redis Enterprise Cloud API.
This ensures cluster/subscription and DB rebuilt are staying with stable names while having changing ID, which then ensures Grafana metrics stay stable.
See source
- /cloud (returns the ID / name dictionary as JSON per last refresh - can be empty)
- /refresh (will call Redis Enteprise Cloud API)
- /proxy (the substituted Prometheus scrapping endpoint)
- /8070 (for testing)
The project provides also a Prometheus and Grafana server for local testing (See Redis Enterprise docs)
run app.py in VScode
http://localhost:5000/cloud http://localhost:5000/refresh http://localhost:5000/proxy
docker compose build docker compose up
http://localhost:8070/8070 http://localhost:8070/cloud http://localhost:8070/refresh http://localhost:8070/cloud http://localhost:8070/proxy
(Note the need to follow redirects) curl -X GET https://internal.c16664.eu-west1-2.gcp.cloud.rlrcp.com:8070/ -s -k -L
http://localhost:3000/ admin / secret