This project is part of MinesParisTech school's associative life, as it aims to promote my list "Camino Royale" for the 2019 Student's council campaign. The website is user-based for mines-paristech email adresses only.
It is composed of:
- a chat
- the list of events organized, past and future
- Humoristic polls every day
- Forms to place orders for our hotlines
- A page dedicated to our electoral program, with the possibility to rate and comment the different points, as well as submitting any suggestion.
This website is no longer available online for financial reasons.
To install the various requirements, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then to launch the app, run:
python runserver
To create a superuser and have full access to the website's functionnalities, run:
python createsuperuser
then fill in the required informations. The admin page is accessible at ~/admin url
Mines paristech email adresses are required to create regular users