This repository is meant to bring together a corpus of TEI-encoded Neo-Latin dramas. The name JesDraCor is inspired by the naming pattern used in the DraCor project. It is infact one motivation to eventually contribute a number of Neo-Latin texts to the DraCor platform.
A first set of dramas will be encoded during the IANLS Vacation School: Digital Humanities and Neo-Latin Studies that will take place in Bonn from 1 through 5 march 2022. It will then be edited and continuously enriched with metadata (intertextual references, people, places etc.).
However, the research potential of a Corpus of Jesuit Drama goes much further. It can be the first step towards a virtual network of early modern Jesuit culture that encompasses, in addition to the text of the dramas themselves, information collected from archival materials (e.g. Diaria of single colleges, Litterae annuae) and other sources.
JesDraCor makes digitally available
- texts which have not yet been digitized (OCRed via the OCR4all pipeline),
- texts that are already available online in a machine-readible form and under an appropriate licence (especially in the CC-BY-licenced Camena Corpus), some of them may still need to be TEI-encoded,
- texts published in modern digital editions and made available in a digital format (e.g. pdf). Only the Latin text is extracted from the editions. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the texts themselves are in the public domain (as all authors died more than 70 years ago), only editorial interventions (in the apparatus) are protected by copyright.
- Furthermore, we would like to encourage authors of scholarly editions of Neo-Latin Jesuit drama to share their transcriptions of the texts with us under a CC-BY-licence. Your contribution will be made transparent, your work will be more visible, reach a different (and maybe wider) audience and benefit the research.
We intend to make available documentation and/or tutorials on how to produce, use, work on, and reuse digital editions of Neo-Latin Jesuit drama in the hopes to enrich the JesDraCor collection thanks to the collaboration of the research community. The research community, in turn, will benefit from an ample open corpus.
Author | Title | Source | Folder | Status |
Jeremias Drexel | Iulianus Apostata Tragoedia | ed. Abele 2018 | drexiul | txt |
Francesco Benci | Ergastus | VD16 B 1675 | bencerga | scan / PageXML |
Francesco Benci | Philotimus | VD16 B 1675 | bencphil | scan / PageXML |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Sosa naufragus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Pomum Theodosii | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Theodosius Magnus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | C. Marius | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Clodoaldus Daniae Princeps | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Joseph a fratribus recognitus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Zelus, sive Franciscus Xaverius Indiarum apostolus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Pietas victrix, sive Fl. Constantinus Magnus ... victor | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Fides coniugalis, sive Ansberta, sui coniugis Bertulphi ... liberatrix | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Fiducia in Deum, sive Bethulia liberata | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Dei bonitas de humana pertinacia victrix, sive Alphonsus Decimus ... Rex ... a Deo emendatus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Connubium Meriti et Honoris, sive Evergetes, et Endoxa | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Tyrannis Idokerdi | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Hermenegildus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Olaus Magnus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | David | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Sidrach, Misach et Abdenago | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Artaxerxes | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Cyrus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Canutus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | S. Idda | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Semiramis | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Nicolaus von Avancini | Alexius Comnenus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Balde | Jephtias | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Belisarius | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Cenodoxus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Cosmarchia | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Josephus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Macarius Romanus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Philemon Martyr | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Jacobus Usurarius | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Joannes Calybita | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Josaphatus Rex | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Bidermann | Stertinius | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Comoedia historica Ollaria | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Comoedia historica Rusticus imperans | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Comoedia fabulosa Bacchi Schola eversa | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Tragoedia Mauritius Orientis Imperator | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Tragico-Comoedia historica Iosaphatus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Androphilus | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Masen | Comico-Tragoedia parabolica Telesbius | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Pontanus | Immolatio Isaac | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Pontanus | Stratocles, sive Bellum | Camena | TEI-XML | |
Jakob Gretser | Udo | ed. Rädle 1979 | gretudon | txt |
Anonymus | Theophilus | ed. Rädle 1979 | anontheo | txt |
Giuseppe Enrico Carpani | Ionathas | ed. Sanzotta / ed. 1746 | carpjona | PageXML |
Giuseppe Enrico Carpani | Adonias | ed. 1746 | carpadon | PageXML |
Giuseppe Enrico Carpani | Evilmerodach | ed. 1746 | carpadon | PageXML |
Giuseppe Enrico Carpani | Sennacherib | ed. 1746 | carpsenn | PageXML |
Giuseppe Enrico Carpani | Sedecias | ed. 1746 | carpsede | PageXML |
Giuseppe Enrico Carpani | Mathathias | ed. 1746 | carmpmath | PageXML |
Bernardino Stefonio | Flavia | ed. Saulini / Tragoediae Selectae I (1634) | stepflav | PageXML |
Bernardino Stefonio | Crispus | Tragoediae Selectae I (1634) | stepcris | PageXML |
Alessandro Donati | Suevia | Tragoediae Selectae I (1634) | donasvev | PageXML |
Charles Malapert | Sedecias | Tragoediae Selectae I (1634) | malasede | PageXML |
Denis Petau | Sisaras | Tragoediae Selectae I (1634) | petasisa | PageXML |
Denis Petau | Carthaginienses | Tragoediae Selectae II (1634) | petacart | PageXML |
Denis Petau | Usthazanes sive Martyres Persici | Tragoediae Selectae II (1634) | petaust | PageXML |
Iacobus Libenus | Ioseph | Tragoediae Selectae II (1634) | libeiose | PageXML |
Ludovicus Cellotius | S. Adrianus Martyr | Tragoediae Selectae II (1634) | celladri | PageXML |
Ludovicus Cellotius | Sapor Admonitus | Tragoediae Selectae II (1634) | cellsapo | PageXML |
Ludovicus Cellotius | Chosroes | Tragoediae Selectae II (1634) | cellchos | PageXML |
Charles Porée | Paezophilus sive Aleator drama Comicum | ed. 1755 | porepaez | PageXML |
Charles Porée | Pater Amore, vel Odio, erga Liberos Excaecatus. Fabula | ed. 1755 | porepate | PageXML |
Charles Porée | Misoponus, sive Otiosus. Drama Comicum | ed. 1755 | poremiso | PageXML |
Charles Porée | Liberi in deligendo vitae instituto coacti, Fabula | ed. 1755 | porelibe | PageXML |
Charles Porée | Philedonus sive Juvenis Voluptarius a liberiore vita revocatus | ed. 1755 | porephil | PageXML |
Nicolas Caussin | Solyma. Tragoedia. | ed. Paris 1620, bsb10608837 | caussoly | PageXML |
Nicolas Caussin | Nabuchodonosor. Tragoedia. | ed. Paris 1620, bsb10608837 | causnabu | PageXML |
Nicolas Caussin | Felicitas. Tragoedia. | ed. Paris 1620, bsb10608837 | causfeli | PageXML |
Nicolas Caussin | Theodoricus. Tragoedia. | ed. Paris 1620, bsb10608837 | caustheo | PageXML |
Nicolas Caussin | Hermenigildus. Actio oratoria. | ed. Paris 1620, bsb10608837 | causherm | PageXML |
De Godefrido Bullonio Duce | ed. Reinhardstöttner 1897 | |||
Karel Kolčava | Tyrannis triumpans et triumphata, seu Anglia | ed. Riley 2020 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Mercia, sive Pietas Coronata | ed. Sutton 2013, possibly protected by neighbouring rights | html | |
Joseph Simons | Vitus | ed. Sutton 2013 | html | |
Ubertino Carrara | Samson vindicatus dramma sacrum | archive | ||
Anton Claus | Martius Pueritiae Dilinganae Animus | Ex. Theat. I | clauanim | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Vulpanser | Ex. Theat. I | clauvulp | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Locustae | Ex. Theat. I | claulocu | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Passeres | Ex. Theat. I | claupass | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Date et dabitur | Ex. Theat. I | claudate | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Contemptus Studiorum in divite adolescentulo correctus | Ex. Theat. I | claucont | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Sutrina Pigrorum Schola | Ex. Theat. II | clausutr | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Gymnasiasta Noctambulo | Ex. Theat. II | claugymn | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Nemo | Ex. Theat. II | claunemo | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Avaritia Punita | Ex. Theat. II | clauavar | PageXML |
Anton Claus | Poena Neglectae Educationis | Ex. Theat. II | claunegl | PageXML |
According to German copyright law (§71 UrhG) the first edition of "a previously unreleased work" can be protected for 25 years. The following texts are edited from manuscripts which can possbily be considered as "previously unreleased".
Author | Title | Source | Folder | Status |
Stefano Tucci | Christus Nascens | ed. Saulini 2011 | ||
Stefano Tucci | Christus Patiens | ed. Saulini 2011 | ||
Stefano Tucci | Christus Iudex | ed. Saulini 2011 | ||
Stefano Tucci | Goliath | ed. Saulini 2017 | ||
Thomas Compton Carleton | Fatum Vortigerni | ed. Sutton 2007 | html | |
Francis Clarke | Homo duplex | ed. Sutton 2021 | html | |
Francis Clarke | Innocentia Purpurata seu Rosa Candida et Rubicunda | ed. Sutton 2020 | html | |
Edward Cuffaud | Felix Concordia Fratrum sive Ioannes et Paulus | ed. Sutton 2008 | html | |
Edward Cuffaud | Furor Impius sive Constans Fratricida | ed. Sutton 2020 | html | |
Edward Cuffaud | Gemitus Columbae sive Theophili Lachrymae | ed. Sutton 2008 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Leo Armenus | ed. Sutton 2013 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Montezuma | ed. Sutton 2010 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Sanctus Damianus | ed. Sutton 2010 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Sanctus Pelagius Martyr | ed. Sutton 2010 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Theoctistus | ed. Sutton 2013 | html | |
Joseph Simons | Zeno | ed. Sutton 2014 | html | |
Ambitio Infaelix sive Absalon | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Ananias, Azarias, Mizael | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Artaxerxes | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Basilindus | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Captiva Religio | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Crux Vindicata | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Fortunae Ludibrium sive Bellisarius | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Magister Bonus sive Arsenius | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Minutum | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Morus | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Psyche et Filii Eius | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Roffensis | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Thomas Cantuariensis | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Thomas Morus | ed. Sutton | html | ||
Vulpinus | ed. Sutton | html |
- Check line segmentation
- Vet OCR quality
- Link PageXMLs to Image Files (either in repo or on library servers)
- Attach proper metadata on sources (METS)
- Provide templates for TEI header
- Provide TEI versions of PageXMLs
- Drammar Ontology
- Make texts citable by CTS URN (cf. here)
- Integrate information from reference works, such as de Backer/Sommervogel or Valentins Le théâtre des jésuites dans les pays de langue allemande : répertoire chronologique des pièces représentées et des documents conservés. 1555 - 1773
If you have questions or suggestions, or if you want to contribute, please get in touch with Alexander Winkler (📧 [email protected],