Inspired by Hussein Chalayan’s 1998 Spring/Summer Ready to Wear show, I was interested in programming an instrument to speed up in response to a person undressing. I chose to use a drum machine in order to imitate a human heartbeat quickening as someone removes their clothes. The digital drum-pad was trained to react to the webcam feed using machine-learning algorithms, in this instance it reacts to the user removing their clothes. This project used ‘Wekinator’ software, developed by Dr. Rebecca Fiebrink, I explored cutting-edge computational techniques and investigated their uses in the design of new interactive experiences. Using this software, I was able to experiment by quickly using certain inputs to give specified outputs.
Included is 2 applications which need to be running concurrently, DrumMachineOSC & sketch_400PixelInputs. To train the Drum machine i have used Wekinator whcih can be downloaded here. My training model data is included in the wekinator file.