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Pelita is a PacMan™ like game. Two teams each of two bots are placed in a maze with food pellets. The maze is split into two parts, the left one belongs to the team on the left (the blue team), the right one belongs to the team on the right (the red team). When a bot is in its own homezone it is a ghost. A ghost can defend its own food pellets by killing the enemies. When a bot is in its enemy's homezone it is a pacman and can eat the enemy's food. The rules:

  • eating food: when a bot eats a food pellet, the food pellet is permanently removed from the maze and one point is scored for the bot's team

  • eating enemies: when a ghost eats an enemy pacman, the eaten pacman is immediately reset to its starting position and 5 points are scored for the ghost's team

  • observation: bots can see their enemies' positions only when the enemies are within a distance of 5 squares. If the enemies are further away than that, their position is noisy (more details below).

  • timeout: each bot has 3 seconds to return a valid move. If it doesn't return in time or if the move returned is illegal, a random move is executed instead and a timeout is recorded. After 5 timeouts the team is disqualified and loses the game.

  • game over: the game ends when one team eats all of its enemy's food pellets or after 300 rounds.

  • losing: if your bot raises an error during play, your team will disconnect and you automatically lose.

  • winning: the team with the highest score after game over wins the game, regardless of which team finished the food.

Your task

Your task as a group is to write a bot implementation. You have to implement the intelligence to navigate your bots successfully through the maze, kill the enemy's pacmen, and eat the enemy's food. You can find a minimal implementation in the file:

TEAM_NAME = 'StoppingBots'

def move(bot, state):
    next_move = (0,0)
    return next_move, state

As seen above, your implementation consists of a team name (the TEAM_NAME string) and a function move, which given a bot and a state returns the next move for current bot and a state. In the Full API Description section you'll find all the details.

Content of this repository

In this repository you will find several demo implementations (all files named, that you can use as a starting point for your own implementations. There is also an example module and a series of unit tests for the demo implementations (all files named You can run the tests with pytest by typing:

$ python3 -m pytest

Running a game

  • To run a demo game, just type at the command line:
    $ pelita
  • To test a demo implementation against another one:
    $ pelita

More info about the command pelita below


There are several strategies to test your bot implementations.

Manual testing

The pelita command has several features to help you with testing.

  • --seed SEED you can pass the --seed option to the pelita command to repeat a game using the same random seed. The random seed for a game is printed on standard output:

    $ pelita
    Replay this game with --seed 7487886765553999309
    Using layout 'layout_normal_without_dead_ends_033'
    Blue team '' -> 'SmartRandomBots'
    Red team '' -> 'RandomBots'

    You can replay this exact game:

    $ pelita --seed 7487886765553999309
  • --stop-at ROUND you can pass the --stop-at option to the pelita command to stop a game at a specific round. You can then, for example, show the grid, play the next turns step by step, etc.

  • selecting a specific square in the grid will show its coordinates and if the square is a wall or contains food or bots:

  • --null you can pass the option --null to suppress the graphical interface and just let the game play in the background. This is useful if you want to play many games and just look at their outcome, for example to gather statistics.

  • --no-timeout you can pass the option --no-timeout to disable the timeout detection. This is useful for example if you want to run a debugger on your bot, like in

  • --help the full list of supported options can be obtained by passing --help.

Unit testing

You should write unit tests to test your utility functions and to test your bot implementations. It is quite hard to test a full strategy, especially because you can not have a real opponent in a test game. It is useful to focus on specific situations (called layouts) and verify that your bot is doing the right thing. Several examples are available in this repo in the files named If you name your test files starting with test_ your tests will be automatically picked up by pytest when you run on the console:

$ python3 -m pytest

An example unit test could look like this:

from demo01_stopping import move
from pelita.utils import setup_test_game

def test_stays_there():
    #0    .#
    #.1  EE#
    bot = setup_test_game(layout=layout, is_blue=True)
    next_move, _ = move(bot, None)
    assert next_move == (0,0)

For setting up test games there is a utility function you can import from pelita.utils:

setup_test_game(layout, is_blue=True, round=None, score=None, seed=None, food=None, bots=None, enemy=None) ⟶ game

Given a layout string, returns a Bot that you can pass to the move function. Printing a Bot will print the layout string corresponding to the current game state. In the simplest form a layout string is a multiline string where the character # identifies walls, . the food pellets, E the enemy bots (you must have two of them for a layout to be legal), and 0 and 1 representing the bots in your team corresponding to turn 0 and 1. In addition to the layout, setup_test_game has a number of optional keyword arguments:

  • is_blue: whether your bots are on the blue team, and enemy bots on the red team
  • round: the current round
  • score: the current score
  • seed: the random seed for the game
  • food: list of positions of additional food pellets; these will be added to those already specified in the layout string
  • bots: list of positions of your bots; if the list contains only one element, this specifies the position of your first bot; if it contains two positions, this specifies the position of both bots; will override the positions specified in the layout string; if you only want to change the position of your second bot, you can do this as bots=[None, (2, 1)]
  • enemy: list of positions of enemy bots; will override the positions specified in the layout string

For example a maze 8x4 with our bots in (1, 1) and (1, 2), where the enemies are on (5,2) and (6,2) and food pellets in (2, 2) and (6,1), and an additional wall in (4,1) will look like this:

#0  # .#
#1.  EE#

In case some objects are overlapping (for example you want to locate an enemy bot over a food pellet), you can either specify several layouts in the same multiline strings, each containing a partial layout, like this:

#0. # .#
#1.  EE#
#   #  #
#     .#

You can also pass a partial layout and specify the positions of the objects in a list of coordinates. For example:

#   #  #
#   .  #
game = setup_test_game(layout, bots=[(1,1), (1,2)], enemy=[(5,2), (6,2)])
#   #  #
#   .  #
#0  #  #
#1   EE#

If you notice a certain configuration in a game that you want to replicate in a test, you can print the game in your move function and then use the output string as a layout in a test. For example, you could have the following move function:

def move(bot, state):
    # print initial state
    if bot.turn == 0 and bot.round == 0:
    next_move = (0, 0)
    return next_move, state

Running a game with this bot implementation will print the following string on standard output:

# .  #  . .. ..         .      #
#.   . .###### ##.. ##### ## # #
#      .    .# ## . #  #   #   #
# # ##..   . #.      .   . # # #
#.#  #### ##     .########   # #
#      .  .       .    # ..  # #
## ######. ## ###         .#   #
#   #.         ### ## .###### ##
# #  .. #    .       .  .      #
# #   ########.     ## ####  #.#
# # # .   .      .# .   ..## # #
#   #   #  # . ## #.    .      #
# # ## ##### ..## ######. .   .#
#      .         .. .. .  #  . #

#    #                        1#
#       ###### ##   ##### ## #0#
#            # ##   #  #   #   #
# # ##       #             # # #
# #  #### ##      ########   # #
#                      #     # #
## ######  ## ###          #   #
#   #          ### ##  ###### ##
#E#     #                      #
# #E  ########      ## ####  # #
# # #             #       ## # #
#   #   #  #   ## #            #
# # ## #####   ## ######       #
#                         #    #

Now you can copy and paste this string in a test, pass it to setup_test_game and verify that your bot returns the move you were expecting.

Full API Description

The maze

The maze is a grid. Each square in the grid is defined by its coordinates. The default width of the maze is 32 squares, the default height is 16 squares. The coordinate system has the origin (0, 0) in the top left (North-West) of the maze and its maximum value (31, 15) in the bottom right (South-East). Each square which is not a wall can be empty or contain a food pellet or one or more bots. The different mazes are called layouts. You can get a list of all available layouts with

$ pelita --list-layouts

For the tournament only layouts without dead ends will be used and all layouts will have the default values for width and height. Additionally, all layouts will have a wall on all squares around the border.

The move function

move(bot, state) ⟶ (dx, dy), state

The move function gets two input arguments:

  • bot is a reference to the bot in your team corresponding to the current turn. It is an instance of the Bot object, which contains all information about the current state of the game

  • state is an arbitrary object, None by default, which can be used to hold state between rounds. Example of usage for state can be found in,,

    def move(bot, state):
        if state is None:
            # initialize an empty dictionary to keep information we
            # want to share within our team during the game
            # -> both bots will have access to this dictionary
            state = {}
        return next_move, state

The move function returns two values:

  1. (dx, dy) a move for the bot in your team corresponding to the current turn. The move is a tuple of two integers (dx, dy), which can be:
  • (1, 0) for moving to the right (East)
  • (-1, 0) for moving to the left (West)
  • (0, 1) for moving down (South)
  • (0, -1) for moving up (North)
  • (0, 0) for stopping (no move)

Note that the returned move must be a legal move, i.e. you can not move your bot on a wall. If you return an illegal move, a random move will be executed instead and a timeout will be recorded for your team. After 5 timeouts the game is over and you lose the game.

  1. state the state object described above

The Bot object

Note that the Bot object is read-only, i.e. any modifications you make to that object within the move function will be discarded at the next round. Use the state object for keeping state between rounds.

  • bot.turn is the turn this bot is playing, either 0 or 1.

  • bot.other is the other bot in your team. It is a reference to a Bot object.

  • bot.position is a tuple of the coordinates your bot is on at the moment. For example (3, 9).

  • bot.legal_moves is a list of moves your bot can make without hitting a wall. Note that not moving, i.e. (0, 0) is always a legal move.

  • bot.walls is a list of the coordinates of the walls in the maze:

    [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), ..., (29, 15), (30, 15), (31, 15)]

    so, if for example you want to test if position (3, 9) in the maze is a wall, you can do:

    (3, 9) in bot.walls

    The maze can be represented as a graph. Pelita has its own minimal implementation of a graph, which offers a couple of short-path algorithm implementations. The maze can be converted to a graph with

    from pelita.utils import Graph
    graph = Graph(bot.position, bot.walls)

    Example usage of Graph can be found in More advanced graph features can be obtained by converting the maze to a networkx graph. For this you can use the walls_to_nxgraph function in

  • bot.homezone is a list of all the coordinates of your side of the maze, so if for example you are the red team in a 32×16 maze, your homezone will be:

    [(16, 0), (16, 1), (16, 2), (16, 3), ..., (31, 13), (31, 14), (31, 15)]

    as with bot.walls you can test if position (3, 9) is in your homezone with

    (3, 9) in bot.homezone

    You can check if you got assigned the blue team – your homezone is the left side of the maze – with bot.is_blue. Otherwise you are the red team and your homezone is the right side of the maze. The blue team plays the first move.

  • is the list of the coordinates of the food pellets in your own homezone

    [(17, 8), (24, 8), (17, 7), ...]

    as soon as the enemy will start eating your food pellets this list will shorten up!

  • bot.track is a list of the coordinates of the positions that the bot has taken until now. It gets reset every time the bot gets eaten by an enemy ghost. When you are eaten, the property bot.eaten is set to True until the next round.

  • bot.score and bot.round tell you the score of your team and the round you are playing.

  • bot.get_move(next_position) ⟶ (dx, dy) is a method of the Bot object which gives you the move (dx, dy) you have to make to get to the position next_position. If next_position can not be reached with a legal move you'll get a ValueError.

  • bot.get_position(next_move) ⟶ (x, y) is a method of the Bot object which gives you the position (x, y) you will have if you execute the move next_move. If next_move is not a legal move you'll get a ValueError

  • bot.random is an instance of the Python internal pseudo-random number generator. Do not import the Python random module in your code, just use this for all your random operations. Example of using it are found in,, and several others. If you need to use the numpy random module, initialize it with a seed taken from this instance like this:

    np.random.seed(bot.random.randint(0, 2**32-1))

    Note that you want to do it only once per game!

  • bot.timeout_count is a count of the timeouts your team has got. Remember that after 5 timeouts you lose the game, independent of the score.

  • bot.say(text) allows you to print text as a sort of speech bubble attached to your bot in the graphical user interface.

  • bot.enemy is a list containing the references to the two enemy bots, which are also Bot objects, so they have all the properties we have just seen above. So, for example the position of the first enemy bot:


    This position may be not exact (see below the is_noisy property).

  • bot.enemy[0].is_noisy if the enemy bot is located more than 5 squares away from your bot, then its position bot.enemy[0].position will not be exact. A uniformly distributed noise between -5 and +5 squares will be added to it instead. The distance of your bot from the enemy bot is measured in grid space, i.e. if your bot is in (Bx, By) and the enemy bot is in (Ex, Ey), the distance will be abs(Bx-Ex) + abs(By-Ey). An example of using the is_noisy property is given in

  • bot.enemy[0].team_name you can also inspect the enemy team name with bot.enemy[0].team_name.


Group_0 Pelita bot for ASPP APAC 2019 final challenge






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