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Alvaro Graves edited this page Feb 4, 2014 · 4 revisions


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#How to use this

Initially, mapa-educacion was developed during the Inria Chile / Open News scrapaton. Thus, it was left as a hack, without nice documentation like this.

There are two main visualizations, the first one is most likely to be reused, the second one seems too custom.

##Filter points by threshold

The initial goal of this visualization was to identify certain schools that showed results higher than a specific value in a standarized test. The user can move a slide in order to change the threshold, as can be seen in the following figure:

Threshold visualization

It is recommended that you modify viz1.html in order to start using this visualization. The parameters that can be passed to the function init() are:

  • url: URL of the CSV file that will be used to obtain the data
  • mapDiv: Id of the div element where the map will be created
  • mapCenter: Latitude and longitude of the center of the map
  • mapZoom: Initial zoom level for the map
  • titleField: Column in the CSV file containing the title or name of the point that will be displayed
  • latField: Column in the CSV file containing the latitude of the point
  • lonField: Column in the CSV file containing the longitude of the poin
  • scoreField: Column in the CSV file containing the score of the poin

You can call the visualization by running

config = {
  "url": "datos.csv",
  "mapCenter": [-33.5, -70.7],
  "mapZoom": 11,
  "latField": "lat",
  "lonField": "lon",
  "titleField": "escuela",
  "scoreField": "simce",
  "mapDiv": 'map1'


##Finding closest school

The second visualization tries to identify the closest school for a person that lives in a specific municipality. This school must have at least a minimum score in the standarized test. The visualization will find the closest school that complies with both requirements.

Finding closest school

As usual, I recommend to start modifying the HTML in order to adapt it to your needs, but basically you need to load

  <script src="js/main2.js"></script>  

The parameters allowed for this visualization are:

  • numericData: The URL of the CSV file containing the data about the entities and their scores
  • geoData: The URL of the CSV file containing the data about municipalities
  • mapCenter: The center of the map
  • mapZoom: The initial zoom of the map
  • scoreField: The column in the CSV file contianing the score values
  • titleField: Column in the CSV file containing the title or name of the point that will be displayed
  • latField: Column in the CSV file containing the latitude of the point
  • lonField: Column in the CSV file containing the longitude of the poin
  • mapId: The Id of the div element where the map will be created
  • runButton: The button that will be used to start finding the closest school
  • resultDiv: The div element where the results will be displayed
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